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The captain and his three comrades came back to the ship at a few hours after having a discussion with Sebastian

They had taken all the pent up sexual frustration out on their lovers and it felt good..... but thats all those women were to them whenever they came to the island they would fuck and even though  the women wanted more  they knew they could never be in relationships the guys had told them they were only interested in a sexual relationship and the women agreed to it but along the way they got attached and fell in love with them.

"Since we will be here for a few more days we should tell her to stay away from sabestian,his comment last night made me think he might kidnap her and she's a valuable part of the team now so we can't let her leave."

"Yeah and its not like he hasn't done it before"

"We could always find another doctor" the blonde haired man said

"But that would be a headache and require us looking for one"

The black haired man agreed with his captain
The captain sighed well let's go talk to her.

They walked to the girls room and knocked but heard no answer so the blonde haired male being the gentleman we all know him to be barged in but when they walked in they noticed how messy the room was the table and chair were on the floor but what surprised them was the man that was bandage and tied to her window with chains.


*last night*

Last night after y/n had finally fell asleep in akanes arms he left quietly going to her room he pulled the blades out of the man but the man said nothing he just reached for a piece of fabric.......akane soon realized it was a piece of the girls shirt the man infront of him started sniffing it he once again had a crazed look on his face and his smile would make most people run in the other direction but akane was not most people and he grabbed the cloth from the man causing him to growl like an untamed beast.

When the man launched towards akane he simply side stepped and trapped the man by placing his knee on his back then he started cutting slowly down his spine leaving trails of lines this went on for a while until his bone was almost visible the man had passed out from the pain a while ago  he knew he had to stop soon or the man would bleed out so he just bandaged him he didn't care enough to disinfect his wounds he actually found himself hoping the man would get an infection.

He went back to his room had a bath and climbed in bed once again holding the tiny female and eventually he too fell asleep.


The four males looked at each other not even bothering to check the injured man and ran to akanes room and opened his door they saw him asleep cuddling someone.


The shouting cause both y/n and akane to shoot up they finally realized the girl in bed with akane was y/n they saw her wearing akanes  shirt which was a little to big for since it hung of her shoulder clearly showing the teeth marks on her collar bone as they looked at her they noticed she had a black eye and a red mark on her face her bottom lip was spilt and swollen and she had bags.

Y/n felt uncomfortable under their gazes and scooted closer to akane who quickly put a protective arm around her this irked two of the four males that had walked in.

"What happened" captain asked about to touch the girl but akane pushed her behind him

"Don't touch her"

Because of last night akane was feeling abit over protective he knew the girl could fight she managed with them and she did manage to leave a few marks on the man but that wasn't enough to protect her so after seeing her like that... in such a fragile state  he made a promise to protect her  she was a member of the crew after all so she needed to stay safe.

Daichi glared at the  male and looked as if he could kill him..

"Tell me what happened" the captain asked

"One of your crew almost raped her"

"How do you know she wasn't just faking to try and escape"

At this statement both akane and the female felt anger.

Akane got up and picked the girl up with him.

"I walked in on it" he picked up the torn shirt and threw it at Chou.

"He tore her shirt unfold it maybe then you'll believe, or maybe this will make you believe" he pointed out the bruises the teeth marks the bruises on her wrist from where she was held down and her cut lip.

"Don't fucking make assumptions I was there the rest of you were out fucking your whores" and with that he picked the girl up and carried her to the bathroom leaving the men shocked in his room the men stormed out and stormed back in to her room daichi punched the man awake.

"Why did you do it" captain asked, he smile widely.

"I wanted her and she didn't notice me but she noticed me last night her pretty eyes were only focused on me and when I stuck my tongue in her mouth I had a taste of heaven,she tastes so sweet I wanna taste her again."

"Yeah that ain't gonna happen" ai stated and the men grimaced in disgust at what he said

"Why not? she is mine"

Daichi gritted his teeth
"Who the fuck said she's yours"

"Well I marked her and she marked me" he pointed towards the scratches on his arms from when the girl defended herself.

" chou you know what to do with him and don't kill him just make him suffer" and the men went their sperate ways while chou pulled out alot of weapons he was gonna have fun while teaching this man not to touch something that doesn't belong to him,he didn't like the girl but he'd never wish something like this on her .

Daichi kept thinking back to how the girl looked he hated seeing her like that and his heart that hadn't healed from their fight was yet again breaking.

Ai couldn't wait to get his hands on the man and was thinking about what to do with him,ai wasn't a ruthless or sadistic man at least he wasn't until somebody gave him a reason to be most people underestimated him because he looked innocent and was relatively quiet around people but once they see this side of him they never look at him the same way again.

Chou was feeling regret  and this was not a common occurrence he was usually never wrong but the fact that he had said she might've done that to escape was a possibility,he didn't mean that he didn't believe her,he was just the type of person that needed proof,he knew he had to apologize but he didn't know how to.

The captain had a dark aura surrounding him the girl was apart of his crew and an essential part at that and yet there are other members in his crew trying to rape her yes they were pirates but they had one rule,you do not rape women yes they were vicious and Didn't really care about people but they always thought that sex should be consensual I guess I'll have to teach the men in my crew a lesson the next person who even touches her Will have something cut off he thought and smiled sickly.

The man were feeling a lot of emotions towards this girl they hardly knew but they felt they had to protect her especially since they kidnapped her and took her out of her quiet life,they each had a chance at torturing the man.

(Hi guys thank for reading,voting,commenting and adding to your reading list all of it is appreciated)

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