Chapter. X (Day #2 Part 1)

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Y/n sat on his couch, eyes glued to his phone, with a stupid grin on his face. It had been the following day since his whole encounter with Aoi, and he couldn't be happier.

After all they managed to exchange contacts.

With a groan, Sera who sat just opposite of Y/n stared at his excitement.

Sera: "You know she's probably some slut..." She slid in, her words filled with malice.

Y/n: "Oh no, not this again..."

Sera: "I'm just stating the obvious. I mean seriously, who gives their number out just after meeting someone? You have to build a real relationship first!"

Y/n: "And how exactly does one build a relationship if you can't contact each other?"

Sera: "I don't know figure it out!"

Y/n: "You do remember that you told me YOUR number the day we met, right?"

Sera: "Well that's different!" 

Y/n: "Explain where the difference is?"

Sera: "I don't have to explain anything!"

Y/n: "What did I expect...?"

Sera turned her head away, and begun to use her phone. It was clear she was angry, but Y/n just chalked it up to him having the advantage over their bet.

Glancing at the phone once more, Y/n finally pocketed it. With the click of the lock screen, he brought his full attention to Sera.

Y/n: "You agreed to the bet. Don't get mad because you're losing."

Sera: "I'm not mad over the bet! As your ONLY friend, I'm telling you that girl's bad news."

Y/n: "I swear we've had this conversation before..."

Sera: "What!? It doesn't matter! Just listen to me!"

Y/n: "Why are you so loud..."


Y/n: "Okay, Okay...Sorry"

Sera: "So you're gonna delete that contact?"

Y/n: "No."

Sera was visibly twitching. And this honestly scared Y/n.

Sera: "Why are you so Immature!!!?"

Y/n: "For getting someone's number?"

Sera: "A strangers number!"

Y/n couldn't even begin to understand where her logic was coming from. It was so irregular and stupid that his brain genuinely couldn't understand.

Y/n: "Sera, do you love me?" Y/n asked

Sera: "Huh?" Sera blushed at the question. "W-Where did t-that come from..." 

Y/n: "Just answer the question."

Sera: "W-Well I-I mean o-of course n-not" She stuttered constantly, avoiding Y/n's eye contact by all means possible.

Y/n: "Then why are you so obsessed with who I chose to talk to?" Y/n ignored all the stuttering. 

Sera: "T-Thats because–"

Y/n: "You're my friend and you have to keep me safe right? As far as i'm concerned, you just want to control me."

Sera: "What!? No! I would never!"

Y/n: "Really? Then stop getting mad at every little thing."

As Sera processed Y/n's words, she found herself slowly slipping down into the couch. She was upset, and wanted to be petty about it.

As she slid down into the middle of the couch, she forcefully pushed her feet into Y/n's side. Cornering him, in the left side of the couch.

Y/n: "Move your leg, it's getting in my way."

Sera: "Hmm?" Sera hummed, pushing her feet further into Y/n's side.

Y/n: "Hey! What are you doing that for?"

Sera: "Just gotta stretch." She pushed her feet even further, this time hurting Y/n.

Y/n: "Hey!" Using his right arm, Y/n shoved Sera's legs off the couch.

Sera: "The hell!?"

Y/n: "I told you to move your leg."

Sera: "Okay, I see how it is!" Jumping back on the couch, Sera managed to bring her legs back with a single motion. But instead of just poking him, she began to flat out kick.

As Y/n endured the fast and painful, kicks that went his way; he finally reached his breaking point. Grabbing both of her legs, he glared at her. Nothing more, nothing less. It was a clear indication to stop.

But...Sera didn't care.

As she stared up at Y/n, Sera reached for her phone, that now rested on the couch's right arm. With the might of Zeus, she threw the phone at Y/n, hitting him square in the face.

Now Y/n was really mad.

Y/n: "I'm gonna throw you off this couch!" 

Sera: "You can try, but like the others you will not succeed." She said with a huge smile on her face, as she began to kick with even more force.

Now it was hard for Y/n to keep his grip onto Sera's legs, the rapid force from the kick was loosening his grip more and more. And the kicks that did reach him, began to sting even worse.

So seeing no option, he began crawling towards her...Between her legs.

Y/n: "Seriously, stop before I actually throw you off."

Sera: "I can't hear you!" Sera yelled locking her legs around Y/n's back, while she began to slap him.

As Y/n blocked, all the attacks from Sera. He finally managed to get himself face to face with Sera. 

As both of his arms traveled down to her waist, he readied himself to throw her off the couch. But he couldn't bring himself to.

This wasn't because of the incriminating position, or the pain he felt around his body. No, it was her eyes. Out of all the years he'd know her, he never once looked at her the way he did now.

And it wasn't like he had a sudden change in heart or anything. He just never realized how pretty he found Sera.

Y/n: "..."

Sera: "..."

Suddenly Y/n's phone rang, causing him to immediately jump up from the position, a noticeable blush on his face.

Y/n: "U-Uh I have to take this..." Y/n spoke, never even looking at the caller.

Quickly he hopped off the couch, took his phone out his pocket and ran outside to answer the phone. Leaving Sera in turmoil. 

Had that phone not gone off, she was 100% No, 1000% sure she'd have done something incredibly bold. Something that could've ruined their friendship...


A/n: So originally this was going to be the entire day, which would've covered what you've just read, and a hangout between Y/n and Aoi; That Sera tries to ruin.

But I felt like putting those two parts together would've ruined the vibe of the chapter. So, I split it into two.

Ps: I'm probably not gonna do that Lemon.

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