Chapter. XIII

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In the morning, Y/N awoke with a sore neck and a severe headache. In addition to being uncomfortable, his sleeping habits, combined with his constant shuffling, resulted in an annoying injury to his body.

And as if things were not bad enough, he was immediately filled with the eruption of sound that came from the two girls arguing in his house. This issue took minutes to resolve.

Nevertheless, thanks to a dash of magic, and faith they finally calmed down, at least more than they had previously been. Y/n was thrilled, but little had changed in the overall scheme of things.

In the present situation, Y/n was unable to do anything but stuff his mouth with the delicious pancakes that he'd prepared an hour ago. The two guests however continued to glare at one another without even touching their meals.

Y/n: "Seriously, can you guys just chill out? Just an hour, that's all I'm asking for..."

Sera: "I'll "Chill Out" When you finally man up, and kick the intruder out the house!"

Claire: "Me? The Intruder? Do you even realize that you just stroll in whenever you feel like, acting as if you own the place? Frankly, I–The invited one, am more in a position to complain about you."

Sera: "Y/n! Tell her this is MY house too! I don't need an invitation right!!?"

Y/n: "No."

Gritting her teeth, Sera threw the angriest look she could muster up all to "persuade" Y/n into following her order.

Y/n: "No."

As if taken aback, Sera swapped yet again. This time looking at Y/n with an unassuming and adorably innocent look. Her ability to pull off such a feat surprised even him. Surely, this was the only way to convince Y/n int–

Y/n: "No."

Sera: "Whyyyyyyy...."

There was no doubt in Claire's mind that she had won this battle over Sera. She grinned.


Having eaten breakfast, Y/n deemed it time to get ready for school. Causing the girl to hurry up on their end.

The shower process went relatively smoothly, with the girls swapping while Y/n stayed out and babysat the remaining one. But in the end, he had to prepare himself for the day as well, something he did not look forward to particularly. It is important to note that he would be leaving these chaotic girls alone to do whatever they please.

And that thought was not a pleasant one.

Y/n: "Don't do anything stupid! I'll be out in a second."

Sera: "How tiny a faith must you have?" She spoke sarcastically "We are more than capable of acting rationally."

Claire: "Yep, c'mon go and ready yourself. We don't have much longer."

Eying the two, Y/n scratched his head. He never understood it. How these absolute arguing machines, could come together soley for the purpose of messing with him.

Y/n: "I mean it."

Sera: "Like I said. We'll be fine."

Y/n: "Whatever..." Y/n finally gave in, and proceeded to the shower.

With Y/n absent, nothing but silence entered the room, and a grinning Claire continued staring at Sera.

Sera: "What is it now? Y/n told us specifically not to do anything stupid. And I for one, won't be breaking his rules for someone who shouldn't even be here." Sera stated, puffing her chest out and keeping a stern face.

Claire: "...Wanna Peak?"

Sera: "See!!! That's exactly what I was talking about!!! It's absolutely ridiculous!!! He's my best friend and it wouldn't be right for me to do something as perverted as peeking at him in the shower."

Claire: "See you say that...But you keep walking towards the stairs."

Sera: "I haven't the slightest clue what you could be referring to."

Claire: "Well suit yourself"

Claire began to walk up the stairs and towards the shower, passing Sera as she did so.

Sera: "H-Hey!!! What do you think you're doing!? I can't let you!"

Claire: "But you totally can. I mean if I get caught, I'll just apologize... Right?"

Sera grabbed hold of Claire's shoulders, the firm grasp causing a glare from her.

Claire: "Let go."

Sera: "Seriously what's going on with you lately!? You have a weird vibe about you...The kind of vibe you wouldn't expect from a High School Girl."

Claire: "I said let go!" Claire threw Sera against the stair rail and then slammed her arm against Sera's neck, causing her to cough and gag loudly.

Realizing this Sera began to sweat bullets. In her mind's eye, she saw a pear of irises that burned their gaze into her own with an intent to kill. It was similar to the fear a prey might experience when their hunter arrived.

Sera: "H-Huh?" Sera dropped her arms, as Claire gave one last shove, only to proceed towards the showers once more.

The hell? What's her problem...?

Sera watched Claire's figure move closer and closer to her destination, each step sending a vibration through the staircase. It was these vibrations that made Sera realize just how serious this issue might be. Made her realize that for whatever reason, she couldn't allow her to continue.

No thoughts, just movement. Sera wrapped her arms around Claire's underarm in an attempt to hold her still.

Claire: "What are you doing!?"

Sera: "I don't know! I just can't shake the feeling that this goes far beyond just a perverted act!"

Claire: "Fuck off!!"

Y/n: "I thought I told you guys to behave."

The girls stopped fighting as they stared up at a fully dressed Y/n, who's eyes dimmed with disappointment.

Claire: "Sera, just decided to attack me!! I don't understand why she hates me so much..."

Suddenly, Claire burst into tears, followed by loud sobs.

As Sera let Claire go, she felt her heart tremble. Her hands couldn't stop twitching and every fiber in her body wanted nothing more then to hit Claire with all her might. But even so...

Sera dropped her head, and took a deep breath. She knew it was better to apologize, than to stir the pot more and worsen the situation.

Sera: "Hey, I'm sorr–" Sera halted her speech as Claire lunged herself into Y/n's arms.

Claire: "Can I talk to you in private...There's no one else I can turn to. You're the only one. Please Y/n..." The tears only continued, and Y/n found himself so stiff it rivaled a 30 year old door mat.

Sera: "H-Hey! Wait a minute!"

As Sera's voice called out, Claire increased her volume, completely voiding her voice out.

Claire: "Y/n please...It's important...Please." The tears increased.

It was here where Y/n made a decision. 

A/n: "And so did I. Y'know the decision to end the chapter here. Tbh, I easily could've continued, but I thought after being gone for so long, the only appropriate way for me to return was a cliffhanger. Lol."

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