Chapter. X (Day #2 Part 2)

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In the blazing sun, Y/n wore a black shirt over ripped white jeans.

As he awaited the arrival of his "date", he held onto his phone scrolling aimlessly through it. Something that only added to his boredom, due to a lack of interesting content. 

Every once in a while, he would turn his head. This was because of a stange feeling he'd get, like if someone was actively watching him.

A sigh escaped his lips as he glanced up at the footsteps approaching. It was followed by a smile.

Aoi: "Did you wait long?"

Y/n: "No, but it is awkward to be alone out here by myself."

Aoi: "What do you mean?"

In reply, Y/N simply turned his head and pointed towards the building that stood behind the two. It was the very same jewelry shop, where Y/n and Aoi had their private talk.

Y/n: "As you would imagine, I received a great deal of staring."

This made her laugh.

Aoi: "Yeah, sorry about that." She finished mid laugh. "So where to now?"

Y/n: "Ehh, how about a cafe?"

She tilted her head in confusion.

Aoi: "There's one right there." She pointed, at the same cafe they met.

Y/n: "Anyone but that one."

Aoi: "Hmmmm...OH! What about the one that just opened up last week!?"

Y/n: "I'm down."

Aoi: "Yes!"

As the duo searched for the location of the Cafe via GPS. They saw it was only a ten minute walk, and since it was bright out, they had the opportunity to enjoy the scenery.

Y/n: "Hey...Isn't this kind of expensive for a cafe?"

Aoi: "Yeah, the pricing is definitely unusual."

At present the two sat in a booth similar to that of a restaurant, both holding a menu of the cafe. With every adjustment Y/n made to his seat, he could feel the leather texture on its body begin to stretch.

Y/n: "Is this really a cafe? It looks a little..."

Y/N noted how beautifully decorated the cafe looked.

Aoi: "I mean it did just come out."

Y/n: "I guess that's fair..."

Y/n dropped the topic. Having no knowledge of the cafe business, he just chalked it up to ignorance.

The table began to vibrate ever so slowly as Aoi's phone received a message. As she looked down at it, she seemed to tense up, and her breathing seemed to halt for a short period.

Aoi: "Hey...Would it be alright if I went to the bathroom?"

Y/n: "Huh? Oh! yeah go for it."

Aoi: "Thanks..." She stood up quickly, and jogged her way towards the sign to read out "Restroom"

Y/n leaned back onto the leather booth, stretching as she left. An involuntary sigh and groan escapes his lips.

As soon as he finished, he looked back at the cafe. He noticed that the waiter was already there. It was his black spiky hair, and sharp eyes that immediately caught Y/n's attention.

Y/n: "Oh sorry!" He jumped

Waiter: "It's okay man, to be honest I don't even know what I'm doing." He chuckled.

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