Chapter - 1

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In the Void Dimension, there is a certain being who is sleeping. Silver-bluish hair, white skin as snow, beautiful face that even a Goddess of Beauty can't compare to this being and wearing  Divine jet-black clothes.

Finally, the sleeping being opened he/her Beautiful Golden eyes that shine brightly throughout the Void Dimension like a sun.

Eyes that can see anything and everything in of all creation and can see the past, present and future.

"Goodmorning Ciel" (Rimuru)

<< Goodmorning Master >> (Ciel)

"Ciel how many years I've been asleep?" (Rimuru)

<< You've been sleeping over 4 billion years, Cardinal World's time Master >> (Ciel)

"What !? I slept that long! So Ciel what happen to Tempest when I'm sleeping?" (Rimuru)

<< None >> (Ciel)

"What do you mean? None?" (Rimuru)

<< Master, if you leave in this Dimension you can pick any time you want to teleport to Cardinal World >> (Ciel)

Oh right in this Dimension don't have a concept of time.

"And what about my final Evolution? Is there any changes?" (Rimuru)

<< Master is now a 'True Deity' and your species is now 'True Species' you can now pick any race you want using mimicry and you have a new skill and it's Origin skill named after you [God of Everything Rimuru Tempest], and Master also gave birth to a two True Dragon when Master undergo Evolutionary Slumber >> (Ciel)

"What !! Another skill and it's Origin skill. And what do you mean I gave birth to a two True Dragon?" (Rimuru)

<< Because of Master's massive magicules are leaking I manipulate it and form two True Dragon core >> (Ciel)

"S-so b-basically it's o-our child? R-right?" (Rimuru)

<< *Blushing* Y-yes Master >> (Ciel)

Is Ciel-chan blushing? Is she okay with it that we had a child with me? And me I want to have a child that's one of my wishes to be a father.

"Are you okay that we had child Ciel?" (Rimuru)

<< Yes Master, I know that you always want to be a Father and have a Family >> (Ciel)

Ciel is right and also I accepted Ciel to be my wife when the Tenma war ended. We can't have a child through sexual intercourse but we can create through our magicules when I'm still a True Dragon/Ultimate Slime.

"I'm happy Ciel that you wait for me again when I'm sleeping and now we have a Child so where are they now?" (Rimuru)

<< Master, I'm always waiting for you because I am your Partner/wife and because I love you Master and our child they are in the other universe I created when your still sleeping and staying in another Dimension in that universe called Dimensional Gap and they're not fond of each other because they are fighting over the Dimensional Gap >> (Ciel)

"I love you too Ciel and Thank you because you're always with me. So what are their names and what type of True Dragon" (Rimuru)

<< Our Oldest Child known as The Apocalypse Dragon he still don't have a name but he is called in that world as Great Red and I want Master to name our oldest child and the other one is Ouroboros Dragon God and I named her Ophis >> (Ciel)

"Thank you, Ciel, Yosh let's visit our Child and stay a few years in that world after that return to Tempest!" (Rimuru)

"Teleport me to that world not in the Dimensional Gap because I want them to come to me" (Rimuru)

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