Chapter - 4

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The sun started to rise on the horizon and it's the sign of the start of the day. in a certain room, I was sleeping in the sun rays on the window reached my face. I woke up and opened my eyes because of the sunlight embracing my beautiful face. Should I eat the sun? It's so annoying but Ciel will be mad at me she created this world for my son and daughter to be their playground *sigh*. I looked at my side Ciel is sleeping peacefully while hugging me naked. I kissed her on the forehead and she opened her eyes with a smile on her lips.

"Good morning Master" (Ciel)

"Good morning Ciel" (Rimuru)

I looked at Ciel admiring her beautiful face for a few minutes and turned my face to the ceiling.

There something is bothering me yesterday night while doing it with Ciel, it's like my senses are only focused on Ciel did she do something? Nahh I trusted Ciel and if she does something then there is a reason she does it. Then Ciel spoke.

"Master, we had an audience yesterday's activity" (Ciel)

"What did you say?" (Rimuru)

My eyes are wide open. Why because I was shocked at what Ciel told me. Who the hell is it and why did Ciel let someone watch us while doing something good *ahem I mean something private.

"I said we had an audience yesterday night" (Ciel)

"W-what? Why didn't you tell me that someone is watching us doing that" (Rimuru)

"Then Master do you want us to stop in the middle of our lovemaking. You don't want that right Master" (Ciel)

"*sigh* but you should have told me so that I know. So who is spying on us yesterday?" (Rimuru)

"It's Yasaka. She saw us doing that and she looks like she's envious of me being having sex with Master"

"So it's Yasaka. It's going to be awkward later *sigh*" (Rimuru)

"Master doesn't need to worry about something like that I know Yasaka know that I am your wife" (Ciel)

"I think she'll ask you about me later on your date" (Ciel)

"You really like her to be part of my Harem. I guess I don't have a choice but to take her in" (Rimuru)

When I'm looking at Yasaka I always saw Kumara in her they had the same eyebrows, a bewitching form, and the beauty of a courtesan. But Kumara is the cutest I guess she has a child form like Chloe. She is cunning and clever she was able to trick me to name her tails that gave her a tremendous power boost. The difference is that Kumara is a Cryptid and Yasaka is a Youkai but has the same features like a fox. I don't know if Yasaka is cunning but I know all Fox is devious.

(A/N: I don't know if Cryptids fox spirits and Fox youkai are the same)

What am I thinking haa... Did I miss my cute Kumara? I will pet her when I returned to Tempest and Ranga too.

I stand up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I know I don't need something like brushing my teeth and going to bathe but it's a part of me that reminds me that I was once a Human being. I'm always clean because Ciel doesn't want my 'Divine body' got stained that what she said.

"Ciel do you want to meet Yasaka or are you going inside me?" (Rimuru)

"I think it's too early for me to meet her my future kōhai. So I'm going inside Master's soul and it's comfortable to be in your soul" (Ciel)

"Hmmm... Fine now come. I will go to the dining room and meet Yasaka" (Rimuru)

Ciel went inside me and I walked into the hallway while greeting the servants in my Youkai nine tails fox form. All of the female Youkai are blushing because of my form, I know they are attracted to my strong aura even though I'm suppressing my aura to the point that not even 1% of my aura is leaking, I think it's because of their instinct.

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