Chapter - 6

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A young girl is walking in the forest wearing a noble dress walking aimlessly she has silver hair tied in a ponytail a braid on each side of her face in a blue ribbon and bangs. Silver eyes.

This girl is destined to serve Lucifer because that is their purpose to serve who is Lucifer. Her name is Grayfia Lucifuge of the Lucifuge clan.

As she walked she saw a pond in the forest and settled there for a while to take fresh air. Grayfia is a mature girl who knows what is happening in the underworld. She knows that in a few years the Underworld will be in chaos because of the fighting on the throne of satan.

As she hopes that someone will stop this from happening so that she will have a peaceful life and live with someone she will fall in love with.

But she didn't know that this day she will see the one she is looking for and falling in love with.

As she is looking at the scenery she didn't sense a distortion of space behind her. As a portal behind her formed.


In Kyoto

After Rimuru informed his two wives that he will begin his adventure around the world and search for entertainment. It's not because he is not entertained here in Kyoto, Yasaka can give him pleasure, yes but he wants some adventure and actions to stretch his body and fighting skills and see the strength of the species that live here in the World. Yes, Rimuru is strong he can just snap his fingers and boom the multiverse got erased.

Right now he is planning to limit his strength not use his main body and only use his True Dragon power when he devoured Veldora and look to train some potential future wif- I mean student to pass down the martial techniques that he learned from the other world that he visited using his Parallel Existence. Because he missed being a teacher.

The Martial arts he learned are extremely destructive when Rimuru is the one executing the techniques because of his immense strength then if you add magicules to the techniques it will transform into a more destructive blow every technique he uses. He only even adds some storm system power in the technique for some dramatic effects. He wants to add his power attribute, void system power but he thought it is not needed he is already strong no one can defeat him even your mom's secret weapon to whip your ass can't do shit to him.

The Martial arts he learned is called Furinji Style Martial Arts. He learned it from Master Hayato Furinji when he came to visit the other world as a human. This was taught by Hayato Furinji to him not to use to kill but to subdue his opponent but he accidentally killed his opponent in the tournament and they banished him from the ryozanpaku because Rimuru killed his competitor but he learned every martial art in ryozanpaku and thanked them before he leaves from the dojo.

(A/N: I want to create Martial art for Rimuru-sama but I'm not an expert on this kind of thing so I just use the Martial arts that I know from anime/manga I watch/read. it's from 'Strongest disciple Kenichi' oh and these Martial arts is really hard to learn so Rimuru-sama will only teach these martial arts to those who is willing.)

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