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The days following after Itsuka's 'little stunt', the werewolf woman would be far more protective over Izuku with her instincts taking over during the evening with having the green haired man all to herself. If Ochako and Yui were to try and take him, Itsuka would growl at them and present that Izuku is her's for the night to force both away. Fortunately this only lasted until the full moon was no longer present in the sky for the last night of the werewolf woman's antics to be Wednesday and be back to normal shortly after. Right now, the entire staff is waiting inside the main entrance for Izuku and Yui to return from the office.

"Dang, Itsuka. I didn't know you had it in you to take the master the way you did. I'm surprised you didn't knock yourself up doing that." Setsuna began smirking at her colleague with Itsuka holding a blush and holding her head down.

"I feel so ashamed of myself. I mounted the master without his consent."

"At least we know you won't be holding a litter anytime soon." Ibara spoke up while everyone looked at her. "Shoko will explain that when the master returns."

As if on cue, Izuku and Yui came walking into the door to be met by everyone. The earlier of the two had looked as if he was mentally gone to raise a few eyebrows. "Sir, are you alright?" Reiko asked for Izuku to give a shaky thumbs up.

"We had a meeting prior to the end of the day. It was about possible policies and such that could be offered onto our chains to increase productivity and decrease errors. Since this revamped everything Izuku knew about the company's policies from what he knew, it made things difficult for him to comprehend and had forced the master to fight to stay on track with everyone inside." Yui explained as Izuku went to sit on the couch beside Toru.

"I hate to add more to your plate sir, but we were hoping to have a meeting among the staff with you present." Shoko stated for Izuku to nod.

"Do what you need to do. I'm listening."

"Right." Shoko cleared her throat before starting. "Ok. So we are all aware of Yui's, Ochako's and now Itsuka's 'little stunts' to know the young master had slept with more than one of us. Since the next to do this was Itsuka, we can now officially consider the thought of everyone being our master's wives."

"Wait. Before we get all deep into that, can we just wait a few weeks so I know I'm not a dad yet?" Izuku put his hand up to prevent this from going farther with Ibara speaking up.

"She won't get pregnant. I slipped a mix of herbs in her coffee to make her infertile during the week of the full moon. Believe me when I say, she does not have any chance of being pregnant....yet."

"Be that as it may, now we are to handle the next matter. Allowing our master the chance to be our lover with intentions of marriage." Izuku heard this to listen carefully to what Shoko had to say. "Starting now with the master's wishes, we will all no longer be competing against one another in order to gain the title of our master's lover, but instead living amongst ourselves as lovers of the same man. Does anyone have any objections to this so far?" Nobody raised their hands for the dualihan to continue. "For the weekends going forward, we shall have shifts with which certain maids will be around the young master. Each maid will have the chance to spend the day with the master and interact with him to learn more about him and vice versa. They will also be his only chamber maidens with their time being gone after the morning comes. On weekdays, this rule does not apply since I know some of you will not be able to resist yourself from loving the master and sneaking into his chambers. Ideally, this is the best we can come up with with everyone on level playing fields. Any objections?" Once again, nobody seemed to debate this request. "Good. Also as a form of punishment, those that try to overstep and take someone else's time from them will be restricted from entering the young master's quarters for a week and will have to lose their next alone time with the master."

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