Ghostly Companion

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After gaining Eri into the mansion, the home began returning back to their own normal things. As a way to avoid legal problems, Izuku made certain to have her and Ryuko posted under the inter-species laws which had a different set of rules for members under the age of 19. From their standards, Eri was required to obtain an academic education which was hosted by the people who ran the program. She was to spend her day among a group of five kids the same age as her while also learning information at her grade level. Nobody seemed to have a big issue with this since it let her learn and interact with people her own age. As a way to help and give an excuse to be in the house, Nemuri chose to help take her back and forth as well as help with the homework she had.

All and all, things began to fall into place well. Today, Izuku began going into the car he had to see Reiko begin starting it up without Yui with them. "Hey, Reiko. Where's Yui?"

"She was feeling under the weather today, so she'll be staying home. She did however print out your itinerary as well as give you notes on what must be done today for you to look over while we head towards the office.

Izuku looked on the side in the binder on the seat to notice everything placed and cataloged with what was first. 'Sometimes I forget how amazing Yui is. Even sick, she does an amazing job to go above and beyond.'

"We'll be heading off now."

"Yes. Thank you." The two began driving off with Izuku focusing on his work. As he read the notes Yui made, Reiko glanced up in the mirror to look at her master before looking back on the road.

"It has been a while since we've both been alone together. How are things with work?"

"Very nice. I honestly should thank you for all your work you do as well. Yui does help me with the work in the office, but you still drive us to and from there as well as help in the mansion with cleaning. You're just as reliable as everyone else in your own way." Izuku smiled for the specter woman to blush a little when hearing this.

"Y-you know, you don't have to sugarcoat something like that. I know I don't do that much compared to everyone else."

"Why would I sugarcoat something that I don't have to. You can hit areas that the girls can't and you drive us around when we need to get to the office or head home. As someone that is extremely dependent on the work you and the girls do, I feel like I'm kinda spoiled by having people like you and the rest of the girls help me."

"You're thankful that someone that people can literally see through can help you? You know that sounds kinda silly when you think about it, right?" Reiko tried to avoid the praise while explaining what she personally hated about herself. "My body can go through things to make me almost nonexistent, normal clothes don't work for me to the point they have to be specially made so I can't wear whatever I want, and I have absolutely nothing to me for appeal due to the fact I'm technically dead as far as everyone believes." Reiko kept going down the list with Izuku not getting a thought in his mind.

"Are you actually dead?"

"Well, no. I was born by two spirits, so technically I am deemed 'alive' by how you determine being dead having what I exist in as an afterlife."

"So why should you care about what other people think? You're still an amazing person to me and someone that wouldn't make the day feel the same without." Reiko was now beet red at this with steam coming off her head.

"J-just focus on the work you have. I don't think it's best for me or you if we continue while I'm driving." Izuku understood to put his mind back in his papers with Reiko trying to keep her mind at bay. 'Dammit. Why did he have to say stuff like that? Now I want to prove to him I'm a great woman.'

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