i appreciate you. /part 1/

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Tw.Self harm is mentioned

I made this day of filming up

3rd point of view

Another day of filming, he was buying/getting/finding something on the dark web. Parker adjusted his camera getting it ready to get it in focus, he then called chester into the room.
They have been living with each other for around a year. "Hey Chester!" He called out. Chester being in their room, they had a small house only having 2 rooms with 2 bathrooms.. chester had his sunglasses on, a lot of people seemed it was a bit weird but most people didn't know Chester had a medical condition where his eyes were extremely sensitive to light he was playing with his Nintendo switch which he was obsessing over ever since parker got him it.
"Chester?" Parker asked once again until getting up and walking to their bedroom. "Chester, c'mon we gotta go film, hey aren't your eyes sensitive to light dude but your glasses on dude"
Chester did so and pit the switch down "I'm alright parker a little light is not gonna damage my eyes.".. "just c'mon dude " Parker said before going back into their set up where they filmed in the beginning of the video.
Chester then walks into a wall. "Ow fuck!" His nose began bleeding,
"I told you, here c'mere." Parker checked if he was okay supplying tissues to stop the bleeding. "Stop being a baby about it" He said as Chester squirmed. "Fine alright let's just start filming."
They did their normal intro
That video they were buying a clown off the dark web.
When the clown finally arrived., Chester always picked the scariest looking thing and get excited but as soon as they arrived he wanted them gone.
They opened the door and the clown  was standing in the sidewalk far away from the door.
"Uh,, Excuse me are you the clown.. You can  come in if you'd like and.. I guess you can do your tricks or show whatever you're going to do."
The clown was creepy as hell, didn't even look like a clown, just a 30 year old with lipstick all over his face, he didn't seem to try to even look like clown. The clown just looked like he put on a red girl wig with lipstick with a black balloon.
Chester looked over at him whispering to Parker. "Dude I feel really uncomfortable.. he doesn't even look like a clown.."
Parker ; "you wanted this guy here so let's let him do his party and he can leave. We're good."

As soon as the clown finished his show which was just him dancing around and doing animal balloon tricks and crying and screaming when it popped the second time it happed. Parker asked him to leave.
The clown just stood there continuing crying. Parker tried to get him to leave again the clown finally complied leaving


They were both asleep, the camera detected some motion outside the back door. The clown back once again smashing the window with a rock creeping into Chester's room.
Parker was awoken by the sound of Chester screaming.
"Chester!" He ran to Chester's room, the clown laughing manically holding a butcher knife getting closer to Chester, the clown was close to cutting him. Chester was so in shock he just froze.
Parker ran over and tackled the clown, "shit dude how'd he get in? Call the police Chester! This is insane!" Chester nodded and grabbed his phone calling 911 about a breaking and entering in.

They later updated their fans, it was only Parker though as Chester was shaken up.
Parker shut off the camera and looked over at Chester sitting on the living room. Chester's hands were on his head. "You okay Chester you've been like this for awhile"
Chester ; "yeah dude just- it's crazy man I'm glad you were there To protect me and stuff. Sounds kinda weird but thanks parker"
"No problem, just glad you got out just fine" Parker said as he say down next to his longtime best friend. "Yeah. I just got some bruises and one cut on my leg
"Wait seriously chester? We should get you some pain killers and some bandages".
Parker got the supplies as Chester insisted not to.
"Chester it's just gonna be quick"
As Parker checked for other cuts. Chester had past self harm cuts on his upper arm. they seemed new scars; recently healed"

"Uh Chester? What happened there??" Parker asked concerned
Chester laughed awkwardly.. " just things from my past I wouldn't wanna mention you know" Parker didn't ask anymore questions as he could tell Chester was uncomfortable.
Parker looked down back at the scars. He rubbed the skin.. Parker then kissed the scars. "You can tell me what's wrong  Chester, when you get those feelings again"

Chester nodded as he blushed, "I don't wanna go to deep into it."

Parker then continued to kiss his wrist then up to his jaw.


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