i appreciate you. (2/2)

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Part two of last chapter
Smut warning
Self harm mentioned
Angst warning

Chester looked over down at Parker kissing his jawline, "uh- are you alright parker?".. Parker ignored the question. Parker began to move over to his cheek then lips. Chester was a bit shocked at the sudden romantic gesture,, Parker liked Chester's lips and they began making out with small French kisses. Chester then began to kiss back huffing, he hadn't been kissed like this in awhile.. his last kiss was in high-school in junior year. He didn't know Parker was so experienced, I mean of course he would; I mean just look at him he's what every girl wanted : Tall, deep voice, good sense of humor, a good build.
Chester pulled away "Parker hold on I need time to catch my breath." Parker let him breathe but started nipping at Chester's neck trying to find his sweet spot as soon as he found it Chester said this : "okay Parker I'm ready to kiss- ah~ what did you do?"
Chester was weak to his knees he was all wobbly melting into parkers affections. "Relax chester.. just trying something out. How does this feel?"
Parker asked as he bit down on the smaller males neck.
"How does wha- wait no~ ah! Not there p-please~!"
Parker smirked " oh I think you do like it there.." Parker made love bites on Chester.
Chester messed and squirmed, "parkerrr~ stop the teasing- I need you"
Chester couldn't believe he just said that.. to his childhood best friend. Parker teased a few more times putting his hand under Chester's shirt feeling his waist. Parker backed away and pulled off his shirt then unbuckled his pants  pulling out his member from his boxers.
Chester did the same as he felt his own chest and played with his nipple.

"Shit Chester you're fucking ado-" He cut himself off as he looked at Chester's thighs.
It was was filled with recent slits on his thigh them recently being scabbed over. "Chester.. what the hell? I thought you did this shit a long time ago.."
Parker immediately got turned off.
Chester looked up at Parker. "Shut.. shut up just fuck me~" Chester said as he was about to finger himself
Parker pinned Chester's hands on the bed. "Hell no. What the fuck is wrong with you, why didn't you tell me?"
Chester squirmed "you wouldn't have cared! Just let go please!"
Parker then let go of him. Looking down at Chester's body seeing more cuts on his body.
"Where are the blades?"
"You heard what I fucking said? Where are the blades you cut yourself with you dumb fuck!"
Chester shaked "they're in my backpack where I keep the cameras and the editing equipment.!"
Parker huffed Chester looked for the bag he found it and grabbed the blades covered with blood. "Chester.. you fucking dumbass, you must be really fucking stupid to do this to yourself."
Chester looked down feeling guilty.
"Parker please stop talking-"
"You know what? No I won't" He grabbed Chester's face making him looking up at him. "You.. don't understand your self worth Chester. You're dumb.. just realize you're a good person, you mean a lot to me and to our fans"

Chester frowned and teared up, "I'm sorry"
"Are you.. are you crying? Shit.. dude i.. I didn't mean to push you that far."
"Stop looking at me! I'm not crying!"
Parker loosened his grip and gave Chester's forehead a kiss. "I didn't wanna hurt you I just got passed off.. you're a good person chester.. and I care about you.. just stay with me and stop doing this shit"
Chester nodded, his eyes puffed up from the crying. Parker laughed a little he looked so adorable. Chester rubbed his eyes "I'll stop.. just don't yell please"
"I took it too far I'm sorry Chester.. i care about you and.. i.. ugh I love you or something"
Chester smiled, Parker never really showed his emotions so he was happy.
He was so happy he hugged Parker "u love you- I mean.. Uh I love you too"
Parker laughed and wrapped his arms around Chester's waist.

"Now let's get you bandaged up.."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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