Chapter 34

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Dawn came and the activity in the port increased significantly, the girls ran from here and there to do the last checks.

Nagato: [Attention, the moment has come, Operation Vengeance is about to begin, this is a large-scale operation, the largest we have ever carried out, I am not exaggerating when I say that this operation will decide the future of the war, our main objective. It is the extermination of the enemy base, therefore we will attack the bases taken by the enemy with all our available naval power, we will attract the enemy aircraft carriers and we will exterminate them, that's all, I pray for your victory.]

The ships began to leave one by one.


My fleet is assigned as the support fleet of the attack fleet of the Sakura empire, Zuikaku is very happy as she will be sailing with Kaga and she always wants to be together with Kaga, but Shokaku prevents Zuikaku from getting close to Kaga.

Zuikaku: Kaga-sempai, let's make an effort in this operation.

Kaga: Yes, I am expecting a lot from you.

Zuikaku: Ok!

Akagi: Entire fleet, enter defensive formation, be on the lookout for any enemy contact on radar or sonar!

All: yes!

Kirishima: See you later sister.

Kongou: (Addressing her fleet) YES! Stay safe!

Kongou belongs to Yamato and Musashi's fleet, in case everything goes wrong, Yamato's fleet should give support fire.


On the other side of the base another fleet sailed from the base, this fleet is a decoy fleet.

Akatsuki: Mission! Let's do our best!

Akatsuki-class: ¡OOHHHHHHHH!

Kuma: They are very excited.

The cruiser Tama sees in Nachi's hand that she is holding a scroll.

Tama: (Doubtful) What do you have in your hands?

Nachi: These are Nagato's orders, it's classified information which has to be opened at one point during the mission, but at the moment I couldn't reveal its content.

Tama: I understand.

Nachi: Fleet, follow me!


Decoy Fleet 1 headed to the mission site.

On the other side of the base, two gigantic battleships set sail from the base together with their fleets, these are Musashi and Yamato, these two warships move at great speed and leave the port, 900 meters to port the New fleet sails. Jersey and the Hornet fleet, and 1 km to starboard sails the Bismark and Queen Elizabeth fleet.

Bismark: [This is Bismark, I salute the two battleships of the empire, I wish you luck in your mission.]

Yamato: [Thanks for the emotional support, I wish you luck in your mission too, Iron Blood fleet]

Bismark: [Thank you]

Jersey: (Pouting) [What about me? Can't I have a greeting from Yamato?]

Hornet: (cracking up) [HAHAHAHA! Ehhh? Are you jealous that Yamato didn't greet you?]

Jersey: (Annoyed) [shut up!]

Yamato: (Chuckles) Fufufu, these American girls, they never bore me.

Musashi: You are right.

Yamato: [Well New Jersey, I wish you good luck too.]

Jersey: (Happy) [Yes! Thanks a lot! I wish you good luck too!]

The fleet followed the course of the mission.


The siren mobilized to receive the Azur Lane fleet, they already knew that the Azur Lane alliance would attack them shortly, so they prepared their defenses.

At the top of a base building, two high-ranking siren converse.

Empress: Now is the time.

Hermit: Yes, sister.

Empress: How's it going?

Hermit: Everything is going as planned, preparations will be complete in a few hours, by the way, I appreciate those new weapons.

Empress: There is no need to thank me, you are in the front line of battle, it is obvious that you have to have the greater power of fire than me.

Hermit: Thank you for your magnanimity.

Empress: Are you going to participate in this operation?

Hermit: It won't be necessary, the enemy is very weak and Observer and Tester can deal with them, so there are no problems.

Empress: It's true, they are two mid-range siren battleships, their powers cannot be compared to ours, but if they fuse the power of their clones and hers, they could be a very difficult enemy to fight.

Hermit: That is very obvious, they are powerful since they know how to use the power of their clones wisely.

Empress: That's true, by the way, if the situation gets out of control, you know what to do.

Hermit: Don't worry, if the situation gets out of control I'll take care of exterminating the enemy with my new Neutron-s missiles.

The Neutron-s missile is an identical weapon to the Tomahawk (In appearance only), with an ability to fly at mach 0.6 and a maximum range of 10 km.

Empress: Well, I'm leaving now, I'll leave everything to you.

Hermit: What? Won't you watch this battle?

Empress: No, because we already know how this will end, it would be a literal massacre, it makes no sense to see something that you already know how it will end, it is like watching a movie knowing how it will end or knowing that your favorite character at the end go dead.

Hermit: XD.

Empress: Indeed, XD. Ok I'm leaving.

Empress opens a portal and heads to her world, leaving Hermit alone to coordinate the defense of the base.

TO BE CONTINUE................................................. .......

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