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Words failed the barbarian to speak further because he sensitively sensed something of coldness right behind his back, right at somewhere quite embarrassing to him.

He took a glance at Song Qinghan incredulously. And just as he was about to give a way to the other side, Song Qinghan came to speak.

“Don’t move, or you can try to see if your blade is faster or mine, and die together without shame, after all, the way I die will be much more dignified than how you die.”

The barbarian had no idea about how long Song Qinghan’s knife was, but he couldn’t make it as a stake at all because that point was somehow sensitive…

Maybe he wouldn’t die with a poke on that, but the rest of his life would be ruined, and then it would be called worse than death.

He didn’t want to experience that feeling, so he decisively withdrew his hand and said with a gloomy expression, “Let go! I don’t want to be bothered to speak twice!”

With a calm face, Song Qinghan withdrew the scalpel from the man’s buttocks, deliberately exposing the light of the blade as he withdrew it so that the man could see the sharpness of the blade.

The extreme sharpness and thinness of the scalpel tip utterly shocked the barbarian. Well, if such a knife really poked through his butt, the ‘tail’ of his at the front side must be devastated as well. With that thought, he couldn’t help but sigh of relief, in a kind of peace in mind that he did not take any actions brutal.

Song Qinghan took a glance at the dying man on the ground, he paused and uttered, “If you want me to save him, then come to get me.”, and after that, he kept moving forward into the deeper space of the camp, rolling his eyeballs faster trying to find any trace of Wu Dahu.

The reason why he resorted to such a tactic was that he knew that the barbarians were not even afraid of death at all, so ordinary threats would not affect them. And probably on the contrary, with other means to respond, he would incur the barbarian’s inborn lust for blood, at that time he would get nothing but self destruction.

But as long as one is a humanity, he would definitely be afraid of losing face. This is the nature of humanity since there is a saying goes, “Man struggles to earn his dignity in life while vegetations earn their barks.”

Especially for the men, if their ‘tails’ were to be destroyed, the ridicule on them would be a fatal one.

But while the deterrent effect seemed good so far, there was no guarantee that the man wouldn’t get annoyed and come after him for troubles.

Therefore, he had to speed up accomplishing his goal here.

The footsteps under his feet grew wilder and wilder, while the frequency of his eyes rolled faster and faster. But why? Why couldn’t he find any traces of Wu Dahu within the camp?

Not even his hair could be found here!

Just like the leading servant once warned him, the penalties within the camp were kind of bizarre seemingly with thousands of methods ready to be used on the captives. Yet he knew that he could do nothing here even though he wanted to give a hand, so he just quickly withdrew his sight after taking a brief glance at the pitiful men.

Since Wu Dahu was not here, he should leave here as soon as possible.

Without having eye contact with those suffered people along the path, he walked outwards directly.

Those Qingmu people who acquainted him seemed to understand something when they saw him walking unhindered, the wrath overwhelmed them, and they roared hopelessly and angrily, “You such a fu*king traitor! No wonder you just brutally murdered your compatriot! You will definitely decay with no peace! Both you and your children I AM CURSING YOU!”

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