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In the very beginning, Song Qinghan had no idea about what the man meant, but at the moment he unveiled the curtain of the tent, he finally came to know the reason.

There were none but the soldiers who were injured the most lying right within the tent. Or in other word, they were all soldiers who were on the verge of death.

They were never in a situation like broken legs and arms or something, everyone of them seemed to have at least a fatal wound on them. Even though they were no longer bleeding, their lives were invisibly fading away, all their faces were put up with pale yellowness with their lips darkened, just like a flock of devils coming out from the degenerating hell.

At the moment he smelled the strange stench right within the tent, Song Qinghan frowned and suddenly stopped.

Noticing that Song Qinghan put down the curtain and came to open his own package searching for something, the head of the group thought that Song Qinghan was just being a coward currently, he secretly mocked in his mind while remaining his calmness on face, and pretended to be deeply concerned, asking, “What happened? Is that so serious? Or maybe we should head to the next place?…”

Song Qinghan finally got the facial mask in his package, and then delivered two to Shuluo, motioning him to give one of them to the head of the group. He tied up the mask on his face, and then uttered in a low voice, “If I am not guessing it in a wrong way, we will have an unexpected epidemic outbreak here. You’d better guard yourself to the utmost extent.”

Shuluo stood there watching carefully, so he didn’t encounter any difficulties in the process when he tied up his mask. After hearing what Song Qinghan said, he turned to ask curiously, “What epidemic do you mean? Outbreak? I don’t understand. What’s going to happen if that epidemic thing outbreaks?”

On the other side, the man took the facial mask there holding and observing while his face twitching with hesitation. No now knew whether he was hesitating if he should wear the mask or not, or how he was able to wear it.

With a wrathful glare, the man took a fierce glance at Shuluo. And out of resignation, Shuluo had to come up and help the man wear it.

Without waiting for Song Qinghan to speak, the person wearing the mask opened his mouth, and chirped, “How foolish you are for not knowing the epidemic stuff! You should be a fake doctor, aren’t you? Speaking of which, since you have been here for so long, have you ever done something else except helping the others bandage?”

Noticing that the man was staring at him suspiciously, Shuluo could clearly feel that both his hands were soaked with sweat. Yet he still tried his best to calm himself down, saying, “Wh, what do you mean ‘a fake doctor? Don’t mess things up, I can’t be more true, alright? If you don’t believe it, ask Doctor Song!’”

Song Qinghan glanced at Shu Luo with a teasing sneer, he found that Shuluo was in fact really nervous right now, so he came to utter helping him get out of the jam, “Right, he is indeed with me, and you will see what prowess he gets later.”

Hearing so, Shuluo couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Well, it turned out that Song Qinghan was a profiteer! While helping him get out of the jam, he also dug a pit for him to jump in! It seemed that he had to work even harder just to prove that he was ‘qualified’.

The man looked at Song Qinghan, then turned to Shuluo, with his eyes full of disbelief. But in the end he did not say anything but nodded, waved his hand motioning Song Qinghan to come in.

After Song Qinghan entered the tent and just as he was about to help the closest man clean his body, the injured man reacted abruptly as if he just saw a ghost, waving his hand violently and saying, “NO! I don’t want to be taken! I want to live! I got my family in my hometown! Dad! Femina Dad! I am coming home…”

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