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It was the first time for Song Qinhan to see Little Shitou in such a feeble status. So when he touched the tears on Little Shitou’s face, he felt his fingers were pricked by thousand needles while his heart was stabbed through in pain, making him unable to breath.

He gently patted Little Shitou on the back, and then comforted tenderly, “I’m right here, baby, Femi Daddy is right here, don’t be afraid. From now on, no one is allowed to bully you anymore. It’s all my fault to entrust the outsider with you. Baby Shitou, don’t be afraid, let’s drink this all and everything will be fine…”

Little Shitou slowly took out his head from Song Qinghan’s chest, and just as he found himself being stared by Song Qinghan in tenderness, the bawling sound of his gradually faded away and in the end it turned into an intermittent sob, and became quite obedient to drink the medical soup Song Qinghan had just made.

“Woo-woo, bad bad…”

Seeing that Little Shitou still looked aggrieved after drinking half of the medical soup and tried his best to accused Utan of the evil things he had done by his toddler language, Song Qinghan gripped even tighter as if he would arrest Utan right now and treat this guy in the same way he treated Little Shitou if he could.

Little Shitou had always been an adorably well-behaved boy himself. There would be a rare thing if someone ever showed his hatred to this little toddler, so what Utan did was indeed beyond his expectation. He never had thought that this guy would do something worse than a beast.

Song Qinghan pursed his lips and he then raised his head to glance at Wu Dahu who was lying on the bed in coma, he sighed slightly and murmured, “You never know how desperate I am right now, and I want you to wake up so badly. Please wake up, Dahu, at least for the sake of Little Shitou, wake up and take us out of here. I am really afraid now that he probably will make us die one day…”

It was true that Mork currently seemed to support him in some ways, but who was able to make sure of it anyway?

Utan was just like a vulture in the grasslands, if he ever found a chance to take advantage of it, he would definitely make a scheme to murder.

As for Wu Dahu, he was now chosen by Utan as a bridegroom-to-be, so there was no actual danger posted on him. However, Song Qinghan was quite confident that once Utan one day lost his interest on Wu Dahu, he would probably start resorting to murder Wu Dahu as well since he was the superior infanta and they were just the captives.

The night almost fell after Song Qinghan finished feeding Little Shitou, he put away the utensils and packed them all back to the kitchen, treated himself with a simple dinner with leftovers and then came back to the tent where Wu Dahu stayed together with Little Shitou.

Memories flocked in his mind, and he recalled the day when he first transmigrated to here, he ate everything in a slow manner even though what he ate was no more than a bowl of congee. But now, it seemed that even a drop of water was a treasure for him, and he definitely would choose to pig out if he was allowed to.

He smiled bitterly, unfolded the quilt and then placed Little Shitou between him and Wu Dahu. He lied on his side facing Wu Dahu, and seemingly he had thousand words he wanted to confess to Wu Dahu in his mind.

Probably he was so exhausted that he had an illusion that Wu Dahu was moving his fingers slightly. However, when he attempted to get closer to have a clearer observation, he found nothing but the deadly silence over there.

Of course it was an illusion for sure. How was that possible for someone to come back to his senses after a ‘craniotomy’ operation?

Influenced by the aftermath of the man-made evil scheme, Little Shitou was experiencing an upset moment sleeping. He sobbed and cried intermittently from his bad dreams, and he did not stop unless Song Qinghan comforted him in the arms.

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