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The wind swept through the orange-yellow like sunset. It was getting silent in the castle town as the people began to close the doors to their homes for the day to turn in for the night. Nobody really except for theives or rapists or any other danger were lurking through the dark alleys of the night. The royal guards though, were on their duty on the night shift, stacked around in all the centers and corners of the castle but also in different parts of town. The guards were around pretty much the whole day everyday, except if they needed to gather up somewhere if troubles were arising, though there were still guards looking out at every route in the castle to keep the royal family safe.

The princess of Hyrule was currently packing some bags of clothing and other supplies that was needed to survive for at least a period amount of time. Zelda put down the last piece of clothing in her bag, putting it neatly on top of the already packed clothes. She had tried to not pick as formal clothes that she used to wear, not wanting to stand out in the crowd too much. Although it had been hard to find anything without ribbons, gemstones or any other princess-like details that were sewn on her clothes, resulting in her digging through her drawer endlessly for something 'normal looking'. 

The reasons for all her efforts in packing was that she was simply tired of all the formality, all the restraints and rules to follow. It was a huge amount of weight put on her shoulders everyday, walking through the many hallways of the castle for her next duty with her back straight and her stomach being held in tightly by her corset. She was even starting to wonder if her organs were going to jump up into her chest by how tightly it was pulled in. Stuff like that made her wanna wrinkle her nose in dismay but was forced to shove it aside with a smile, her bloodshot eyes and frown locked up inside her own bedroom in loneliness. It wouldn't even take her by surprise if her great father would marry her off to some other snob for the sake of the family tree being held pure and for the bond to gold and treasure.

Zelda was sick of it all, she finally closed down the last bag, sitting down on the silky bed sheets of her bed with her back crooked in exhaustion, something her father would have scolded her for if it were in public. 

'This is my chance... I can finally escape this cursed fate of mine.. away from the castle.'

She suddenly rose from her now wrinkled spot on the bed to stand in front of the tall frame of her clear mirror. Looking at herself, she could see bags beginning to form on her pearl like skin under her eyes beacuse of the hours long packing. But she didn't care, it doesn't matter if I don't need to look formal anymore. Her gaze then lifted from herself in the mirror over to her white desk. She clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes at a one specific necklace that stood out from the other boring-same looking necklaces that she owned. 

'I can't leave this behind.... Link...'

She thought for herself as she continued to gaze at the many green gemstones of the pearl necklace. Link had given it to her a long time ago after he first saved her from the dark lord Ganondorf, after Zelda had restored the time.


"Um, Zelda?", Link's voice softly echoed through her flowery green garden. Zelda turned around quite hastily to the source of the voice, looking at the now short green clad hero. 

"L-Link?", Zelda's soft voice a mere whisper, yet still sounding excited at his unexcpected appearance. Link's now childish features forming up into a bright smile as he walked over to her. 

"Zelda..", he crouched down in front of her, taking Zelda a little by surprise. His face was facing the ground as he held his arms up, his hands clutching a shimmery necklace quiet shakily as he handed it up for her to take. Zelda's eyes widened at the sight but shyly reached her hand out and brought the necklace in her grasp, studying it's beautiful detailed structure.

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