𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨

210 7 19

  Nene was freaking out two hours before her double date. She was frantically trying to find the right outfit, shower, decide how much makeup to wear, and more! It was absolute chaos even if this wasn't meant to be a huge deal.

  Luckily, ten minutes before it was time to go, everything had been sorted out except her thoughts. Everything in her head was jumbled, mixed together, and all over the place. She checked with Aoi to make sure she looked okay, so when her friend reassured her over and over that she looked great, eventually she had to agree.

  Nene decided to leave about five minutes early and meet with Aoi to walk there, who wasn't very far. Apparently, Akane decided not to go with the indigo-haired girl and rather prepare the spot so it was perfect for Aoi's arrival.

  "Nene! Over here!" Aoi called from the other side of the sidewalk.

  The cream-haired girl waved over to her friend and crossed the street. She was glad that Aoi had decided to take her there personally.

  "Hey!" Nene greeted her. 

  Aoi was wearing a cute lavender dress that perfectly outlined her figure before puffing slightly at the skirt. Her waist was accentuated by a belt with a gold latch while her shoes were a pair of modest one-or-two-inch heels matching the color of her black skirt. The sleeves wrapped around the top and sides of her shoulders in two loops of material.

  Nene felt that her own features were much less attractive standing next to her gorgeous friend. It always made her extremely insecure to stand next to her, but this was a new, augmented, type of self-consciousness that had sprouted. 

  "You look so nice!" Aoi complimented her. But she wondered why. Aoi was obviously prettier than her. It was even clearer today than ever, in fact.

  "Thanks," she smiled slightly. "You look wonderful too!"

  "It's about time to head over to the sakura trees now. Akane says he's ready for us."

  She bobbed her head up and down a couple of times and followed her friend closely. Nene wanted to ask why she would agree to this "trial date" even if it was for Nene to ask out Amane or in this case, vise versa. Perhaps that was just a query for later.

  After making it to the pink-blossomed plants, they walked down a path to get deeper into the trees. Other people were walking around the park. Families taking pictures, passersby, and couples, too. The sudden image of holding hands and walking around with Amane made her face flush. Maybe... Just maybe it would become a reality today.

  When they arrived at the picnic, Nene was surprised to see the great number of things set out of them.

  She was expecting a blanket laid out with a few sandwiches and maybe lemonade, but Akane really outdid himself.

  There was a full-blown circular table with a purple floral print tablecloth, four chairs, and a place setting for everyone. More than that, there were really china teacups with delicate paintings of light blue flowers.

  In the center sat a stand with a few tiers of sandwiches, scones, and more. Why were there so many different options when there were only four of them eating the food?

  Wait... That was right, four of them. Where was Amane?

  Nene felt her heart plummet when she realized he wasn't in sight. There was only Aoi talking to Akane and Nene standing a few paces away from them. Was Amane just fooling her? What if he wasn't actually going to appear?

  Akane pulled a chair out for the indigo-haired girl and she sat down without protest, keeping her knees tucked together and her slender ankles crossed below her chair. She sat up with a graceful posture, waiting for Akane to serve her tea.

  Nene couldn't help but feel envious; Aoi was perfect. Everyone would fall for her in a snap. Was it making her chances of getting a significant other slimmer? Was being next to such a beautiful person actually harming that sort of thing..?

  The pudgy-ankled girl sighed, taking a seat next to Aoi. Akane sat on the other side of her pretty best friend, pulling out a giant bouquet of red roses for the girl.

  She didn't care if anyone was this dedicated to her. She didn't care if they gave her flowers or set up extravagant dates to please her. Nene just wanted someone that cared for her at all...

  "I'm sorry I'm late!" a voice came from behind them.

  She swirled her head backward to see a boy running toward them dressed in casual clothing made up of a white polo shirt and jeans. His amber eyes were filled with slight ruefulness (form being later?) but were hidden quickly by his dark brown hair.

  "You made it!" Nene exclaimed, jumping out of the chair and running over to Amane. Excitement tickled her stomach after remembering that he was her date. They weren't just friends right now. What a crazy thought!

  He beamed at her, holding out a bouquet of easter pink roses tied together with a humble black ribbon. She wasn't expecting them but enjoyed the surprise greatly. They were lovely!

  "Thanks! You didn't need to get anything for me!

  The cream-haired girl couldn't even stop the grin forming on her face, throwing her arms around the male before he could react. She was so grateful that he was already trying to make her first date a special one. Nene's heart was about to explode from the elated feeling overflowing her glass of emotion. How could she be so lucky that Amane asked her here?

  It was almost way too embarrassing for her when she released him, but the glee pushed it all away. They both made their way to the table soon after.

  She plopped down next to him, not able to suppress the happiness clearly painted on her face (not that she wanted to get rid of it).

  After realizing that she was across from Akane and Aoi was across from Amane, they switched it up to avoid awkwardness. Now Akane was on her left (though he probably didn't want to be sitting next to her), Aoi was on her right, and she was staring into the eyes of Amane. 

𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐧𝐢𝐜 | 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐍𝐞𝐧𝐞 (𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊/𝐉𝐒𝐇𝐊)Where stories live. Discover now