𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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  The butterflies in her stomach began to beat their wings vigorously, causing Nene to be impatient and stressed. They took their places at the table and went on as if nothing ever happened.

  "I'm good, it just took me by surprise," she told the boys after they wouldn't stop staring at her. "I ran away because I was afraid it spilled on my dress, but it didn't."

  The reasoning didn't make any sense, but they seemed to buy it. Aoi gave her a slight nod and took another bite out of her sandwich. It wasn't long until things were back the way they were. But there was definitely a difference. The atmosphere had definitely changed at least slightly, losing a great deal of the tension.

  "Are you sure you're okay? I can walk you back to your house if you're hurt," Amane suggested. The offer was sweet, but she wasn't lying when she said it wasn't painful anymore.

  "No, I'm okay. Thank you," she smiled. "Besides, we won't be able to catch Hamster Space Wars: The Movie after this if I go home now."

  Nene felt her heart twinge with embarrassment when she saw a blush appear on Amane's face. Maybe it was a bit quick to bring that up again.

  "Y-Yeah, I didn't think you still wanted to come with me, but I'm happy you do," he said.

  After that, it felt like the picnic's end was drawing closer and closer as the sun began to set. It was almost sad for it to go after they were actually having a great time. It was true though... All good things had an end. No matter how wonderful they were.

  They all helped Akane pack up after that because there were way too many things for him to clean up on his own while also walking Aoi home. He still had a lot to bring back even so.

  "Akane," Aoi said the red-haired boy's name.

  "Yes? Is something the matter Ao-Chan?"

  "No... I just hoped that someone would accompany me to the zoo tomorrow. It would be a shame for me to see the giraffes alone."

  Nene immediately turned to watch the conversation, waiting for Akane's answer even though she knew exactly what he was going to say.

  "You want me to go with you?"

  She saw him study the indigo-haired girl's face for a few moments before a huge grin formed on his face.

  "Then I'd love to!"

  Nene beamed for her friend, who had a big, sincere smile painted on her face. It was like she was never fully dressed without it before because it was so stunning she had to look away. The indigo-haired female should definitely consider smiling like that more often.

  "Yashiro, we might be a bit late for our movie if we don't leave soon," Amane told her. "We can probably help pack up because of ads... But I just wanted to let you know."

  Nene nodded, saying, "Right after this, I just feel bad not helping."

  After a few more minutes, Akane told them, "You guys can go, there's not much else to do. See you on Monday!"

  "Really? Thank you!" Nene said. "I'm glad we did this!"

  She moved closer to Amane and they started to walk away, waving as they went.

  "Me too!" Aoi responded. "We should do it again sometime!"

  Nene nodded and then turned to look where she was going. It wasn't too dark out, so she could easily see any blossoms or twigs in the path. The sun shined a beautiful golden color, peeking around flowers and tree trunks. It was wonderful to walk through at such a beautiful time. The breeze had calmed down but still scattered the pink petals through the air as they walked by.

  "Yashiro... I know you probably know this already because- Well- I asked you in the first place, but... I like you."

  She looked up into his amber irises. He was definitely being honest about his feelings.

  Her cheeks heated up and she stared at the falling petals raining around them. Was it one of those cliche anime or manga scenes? Because it was always how she wanted to confess her love or be confessed to. The idea was so romantic and the fact he was bringing it to life for her (whether he was aware of it or not) warmed her heart.

  "I like you too, Amane."

  Nene wasn't sure how clear the words came out, but he definitely understood the message.

  "Then... Would you be my girlfriend?"

  Her heart was pounding against her chest now. This was the moment she was waiting for all along, but sharing it with him was special. It made her so happy...

  "Yes. And um..."

  She was getting so overwhelmed and shy at the same time. Even so, Nene still wanted to ask this. She couldn't exactly get it out until the brown-haired boy said something.

  "What is it?"

  She took in an inaudible breath and asked her question.

  "Could I hold your hand?"

  "Uh- Yeah, sure."

  She moved her head closer to his, brushing her fingers through his palm and intertwining their hands. It was so nice and warm... But she wouldn't have minded if they were cold either. His hand was slightly bigger than hers and they fit together almost perfectly. Like two puzzle pieces connecting. There was a secure feeling she had while holding it. She was safe around him.

  "I know today's not over yet... But I wanted to say again that I'm having a great time today. Thank you for making it memorable, Amane."

  "No... Thank you. Today was special for me, too. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

  "I think I should be saying that to you."

  They both smiled at each other, wishing that the moment would last a lifetime. 

Author's Note: This is where I'm ending the story. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day, night, or afternoon!

𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐧𝐢𝐜 | 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐍𝐞𝐧𝐞 (𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊/𝐉𝐒𝐇𝐊)Where stories live. Discover now