2. breathe

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just set me free

Mark, as promised to the trio, made it home safely in the rain. He snuck in bed to catch a few hours of sleep before lessons, but other than that, it didn't seem like luck was on his side.

"Dude, what's up with you?" Jeno asks after the two leave fencing practice. "You've been zoning out all day, and you can't stop sneezing. Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No, I just didn't get a lot of sleep," Mark decided against telling Jeno of his adventure. It's not that Jeno would ever snitch on him, it's just that he's afraid of worrying the younger.

Jeno has been Mark's right hand man essentially their whole lives. Jeno and his brother, Seungmin, have been Nobles for generations. Mark's mother invited the siblings to live and train in the castle when they were ten. Seungmin politely declined in hopes of becoming a teacher - but Jeno accepted the offer a little too quickly.

Jeno has had almost all the same lessons and training as Mark. He's still unsure of what he wants his title to be, but there's no doubt that he is knowledgeable and loyal to the family.

"Don't be stupid," He rolls his eyes and puts his hand on Mark's forehead, "I think you have a fever."

"I'm fine," Mark argues back

"I don't believe you." Jeno grabs him by the hand with a stern look. "I'm taking you to Kun."


"You have a fever, a cough, a sneeze, and the world's runniest nose," Kun shakes his head after examining Mark, "Stop saying you're fine"

"Okay, maybe I'm sick, but it's really no big deal" Mark continues to argue.

"You are ridiculous," Jeno mumbles with disbelief. He knew Mark hated his duties, but Mark also imagined he was confused about why he was being so stubborn.

"Mark, it is a big deal. You're overworking yourself on average twelve hours a day" Kun's voice is authoritative as he lectures Mark. "You have responsibilities as The Prince, but you also have responsibilities to yourself. You need rest. I'm telling Doyoung to cancel your schedules until you're better."

"When will that be?" Mark sulks. As much as he hates his duties, he hates letting people down more. Missing schedules means getting behind - and that never pleases anybody.

"You have a cold, probably from the weather. We are looking at a week. I'll bring you medicine twice a day, and you won't return to lessons until I give you the all clear."

Mark lets out a loud groan as Jeno stands up to help him to his room. "Thank you, Kun!" The younger waves as they exit. "When were you even out in the rain yesterday?"

That's the thing about keeping secrets from Jeno - it's nearly impossible. He's with Mark almost all hours of the day, and yesterday they had the same schedule. "I went for a late night walk. Had to clear my head."

Jeno knows Mark needs to walk through the fields to escape from time to time, so that's nothing out of the ordinary. He hoped it was enough for the other to believe him.

"I worry about you," Jeno grabs his hand as they walk to his room. "We all do, but I'm your best friend. I have more worrying rights than anyone else."

"Worrying rights?" Mark laughs before he lets out a small cough.

Jeno frowns. "Yeah, you know. People worry about you because we all care but I know you better than anyone so I have more of a right to."

"Even more of a right than my own brother?" Although the joke was meant to be lighthearted, Mark winced. Mark and Taeyong used to do everything together. The siblings, Jeno, and Doyoung all took the same lessons before the elders moved up in the castle.

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