1. just like magic

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feeling your touch, oh it's a rush

Mark could walk these halls blindfolded. The off white stone and smell of pine are all he's ever known. He's sat in this exact same meeting chair since he was old enough to attend - since his parents thought fifteen is the age that a prince should start to learn the laws of the land.

It's been five years since he first sat down and listened to the King talk about boring treaties and alliances - and only one thing has changed - The King himself.

Mark thinks Lee Taeyong makes a better king than their father ever did, even if he upheld the same laws. Their father never listened to the people, never felt guilty when poverty struck the kingdom, never cared to listen when the crops began to rot. Taeyong always found a way to help those who needed it.

The day Mark found out he lost his father, his heart sank. Not for the old bastard - but for his brother. Taeyong looked up to their father more than Mark could ever even think to do. He wasn't ready to be king - but when duty called, he knew he had to stand up for the Kingdom.

Taeyong has always been good at putting others before himself. At his coronation, he offered jobs to farmers who had lost their crops the past winter. Mark is jealous of that - he seems to always be selfish compared to his perfect brother.

"Minhyung? Are you even listening?" Doyoung's stern voice fills his ears, forcing him to look up from his lap. His fingers seemed much more interesting than whatever the royal advisor was talking about, but Mark knew when Doyoung spoke, he expected the whole room to listen.

"I- uh," he couldn't help but stutter as Doyoung's eyes began to glare, "Not really."

The whole room lets out a loud sigh, Taeyong even rubbing his thumb against his forehead. "I think we should just stop here for the day. Everyone's dismissed."

Before Mark could even hop out of his seat, Doyoung stopped him, "Not you."

"Doyoungie, look," Mark sighs as Doyoung's eyes soften at the nickname. He knew the elders' weak spots by now. "I'm sorry! It's been a rough week! Even fencing isn't even helping with the stress!"

"What's got you so stressed, bubs?" Taeyong loses formality as soon as the room clears. Mark is his brother before he is Royalty.

"Just," How could Mark put it into words? That the duties of a Prince are too much to handle? That he's starting to lose his love for the Kingdom? That it's nearly impossible to help a place he nearly knows nothing about? "Everything".

"Yeah," Taeyong agrees, embracing him in a hug, "I know, kid."


Mark doesn't know what the pushing point was - but for now he's blaming it on the adrenaline rush and years of daydreaming.

Tonight's the night he's sneaking out. He's off to see his Kingdom for the first time in twenty years.

Mark has had the idea in his head for ages now - the way he'd wear his darkest sweater so he'd be difficult to see, sneaking from his corridor down to the gardens. He's never gone out past the fields, but he knows the forest at the end leads to town. Johnny made the mistake of telling him that one afternoon while they were riding.

The scheme goes as planned, and as soon as Mark reaches the rose bushes he begins to run, sprinkles of rain hitting him every few seconds.

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