1. Moving in

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"What do you mean you changed my shifts!"

"I mean you now have longer shifts and have to take over some of the night shifts. Too many of the other daycare helpers keep leaving and we need you to fill in the spots"

"I was already working 9 hour shifts, with this new one I'll hardly get any time to myself! I mean- I can't even drive home and back on most days!"

"Then you can use the spare dorms. The are the doors with the 'out of order' signs of them. You'll be fine."

The young worker didn't bother to keep up the argument as they took the key and started to make their way outside of the office. Admitting they didn't really mind having the dorm after all. They were basically homeless so this really helped that out, it was just having to work with HIM. Y/N really didn't like working with Sundrop. She found him to be super unnerving and often creepy. Evening thinking about it sent a shiver down their back. There was a 'out of order' door every close to the daycare so she decided to take it. Unlocking the door and slipping in she looked around the small but nice room. In the left far corner was a single bed and a nightstand. With the right far corner having a smaller room with a glass shower, sink and toilet. At the end of the bed was a small wardrobe.

Even if it was small it didn't matter to the tried worker. She gladly flopped into the bed and became to fall into a nice deep sleep...


I groan In annoyance as my alarm clock goes off on my phone. Taking it out of my pocket I turn it off. Yesterday was Friday. I don't work weekends for another two week. After shutting it off I get a few hours of shut in. Wrapping the thin blankets around me closer as I snuggle my head deep into the soft pillow. I let out a sigh of contentment. This has been the best bed I had slept in for a while. Plus it was warm and clean. So I was happy.

It didn't take me long to start to drift back into sleep, letting all the comfort and heat spread all over my body as I fell into a peaceful state.


My eyes flutter open as I turn onto my back. I looked up at the white ceiling till I could pull my head together. I slowly sat up in the bed, letting the covered slide into my lap as I notice one of the mystery prizes on my bed. Confused I grab it and begin to crank it till the lid poped open.

Inside was a black shirt with the official art of sun and moon drop along with a new pair of work trousers. At the very bottom was a note, I picked it up and flipped it to see such beautiful handwriting

'We do hope you enjoy our gift to you, please feel free to wear it today.

'S and M? Could it be the old workers sally and molly? No I didn't get along with them. Plus they don't know about the dorms. So...who?' I think to myself before shrugging it off. They are free clothes and I needed a new pair. I got up and brought them into the bathroom with me. I noticed where was a towel and smiled. 'Thank god'


After a nice long shower I was able to fully clean my whole body. Thankfully in the cabinet under the sink was already mini bottles of everything I needed. Even a toothbrush and toothpaste. 'At least it KINDA makes up for the late long hours..if they continue to do this' I think to myself as I dry myself off and put on the fresh new clothes.

I smiled softly. They were so soft and smelled amazing. I could get used to this. I brush my teeth and soon exit the room after putting on my shoes with my keys and wallet in hand.

Todays mission was to get all of my belongings into that dorm. It shouldn't be too hard as I only had three backpacks worth of clothes and other important things. Making my way to my car I begin to start it up. It was a old beat up car but it worked and got me to A to B without any issues so far.

It didn't take me long to reach the rundown motel I was standing at, so I made my way to my room that was on the 5th floor. Luckily It shouldn't take too long with the use of the elevator. I stand corrected. It only took a few seconds and now I am heading down the hallway to my room. When I went to unlock the door however it slipped wide open, and with so my eyes.

The room was trashed and ripped apart. My heart began to sunk as I made my way to the mattress. I slowly lifted the pillow with a shaky hand and pulled away the bed cover and signed in relief. My cash and card where still here hidden in the slit of the mattress. I quickly shoved them into my pocket and grabbed all my dirty and clean clothes. Two bags where just clothed and underwear. The other had chargers, charge banks, my ID, all my paperwork and instant foods like noodles for when I couldn't afford it.

I swing them over my shoulders and jog back down to the main lobby. Handing in my key and walking out the door.


Once back at the dorm I got to work putting all the clothes in the wardrobe, putting all underwear in the drawers at the bottom of the wardrobe. I didn't have many so they all fit it every well. I just kept my dirty ones out. I remember seeing a washing machine and decided to take a mental note of it as I stuffed all dirty clothes into one bag by the bed. Just then my stomach growls and I walk out, heading over to the many food courts with some cash and my staff card. It'll be easier to get discounts with it on me.

As I sat down with my food I saw my co-worker Johnny, I waved him over and smiled. He smiled too. He was the first friend I made when I started. He's a technician so I didn't see him often so it was nice to see him. "What is up Johnny?"

"Haha not much, what about you? And what's with the shirt ? I remember you telling me how much you hated that guy"

"I don't hate him I just get annoyed with him. He's too loud and has such a big personality, it's hard to deal with when you have only 2 or 4 hours of sleep"

"Yeah I can definitely tell, I didn't even know they made those shirts anymore. They stopped after two weeks of making them."

"Oh really? Well it's a nice new shirt so I don't really mind even if it's rare, haha"

We continued our small conversation as I finished my meal. We parted ways as I went back to my room to get some rest and sleep, while Johnny went on to fix another map bot.

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