2. Strange behaviour

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"Okay kiddos time to use our small voices because it is time for the one. The only. sundrop to begin his AMAZING TALENT SHOW! grab your pillows, grab your blankets and toys and meet us over at the puppet box! Hurry now! The show is about to begin!"

And with that the kids all ran to grab their toys, water bottles, pillows, blankets, some even dragged over some of the sleep mats to act as a sort of bench for their friends. It didn't take long for the ground of kids to get settled in front of the small puppet stage. Once I knew they were focusing on sundrops puppet show I got to work cleaning up.

In moments like this I do enjoy it. It was not chaotic nor loud. All kids in one place and I wouldn't be interrupted as I cleaned up the place. I started with what I hated the most- cleaning the craft areas. The glue and paint where so sticky and always ruined the cloths so soon. I just wanted it out of the way first. Wiping down the table and slides, checking the chairs and nearby floors and walls. Thankfully Sundrop made a game of washing hands after crafts so I didn't have to go on a hunt for the messy crafts. Once done I placed all tables and chairs next to the wall ready to be pulled out agin before going to clean up the toys. It always took me a few tries to get it right as the toys were always so fragile and I didn't want to cause a distraction so easy. I've made that mistake before...


Once I was done cleaning I noticed the puppet show was still happening. I checked my watch and saw it'll be around 10 or so more minutes long. I decided to sit down on the desk chair and lean back. All this constant cleaning was always so annoying but I couldn't leave it last minute before closing. It just made it harder as things strained or dried up. So it was better to just clean every time Sundrop had all the kids distracted with puppets or group things.

I heared my stomach growl softly. It was around lunchtime and soon in turn my break. I always took mine when the kids had nap time, so I got around 2-4 breaks per day depending on the age group. Most kids were around the ages 6-12 so I only got around two breaks per day. But each naptime took 2 ish hours so it wasn't too bad...well I still needed to do other chores in the daycare In that time like setting up whatever task Sundrop wanted, getting snacktime/lunchtime ready or running errands around the mall.

I shook my head my head and tried not to think around it too much, I just wanted to have this moment of peace before Sundrop annoys me on my break as always.


After settling the last kid into naptime the young worker made their way into the backroom to grab their bag, inside the bag would be their lunch that they had ordered earlier that day on the way to the daycare.

After grabbing the small 'to go' bag filled with a custom burrito the worker headed back over to their small open office, they sat on the floor against the wall and began to dig in. Smiling softly as they ate the filling meal filled with all sorts of protein and fibre. midway through their second bite they noticed a certain yellow ball of energy hadn't started to bother them about their 'unhealthy food choices' a quick scan of the play area they noticed him behind a slide.

He was staring at them with his arms crossed and he was tapping his foot from what they could see. It was strange to see such a site, Sundrop hadn't notice he had been caught however. So he kept staring right at the sitting worker.

Y/n swallowed their food nervously and forced themselves to look away. But they knew they was being started at as they could still see him in the corner of their eye.

'Why was he staring at me?'

'Why is he acting like that?'

'Was he mad at me?'

'Oh god why isn't he looking away'

We're all floating around inside of their head as they ate lunch. All they wanted to finish it up and forget this whole lunch never happened. So they ate as fast as they could and threw the trash away. However this didn't help the feeling of eyes on them. In fact it felt so strong now and it was getting so hard to breath. That was when they heard his footsteps,so they ran into the back of the staff room.

The worker leaned against the wall softly panting as their hand cling to the brown bottom down shirt, were they could feeel their heart pounding hard against their chest in a fast and unstable way.
Never once had be acted like that and never had his whole personality or even energy change. But this...this felt different to the worker, they couldn't begin to describe the emotions and tense moment.


Y/N was wiping down one of the many plastic tables of all the paint and glue that was on it. Sundrop had just finished doing arts and crafts with the few last kids before they got sent home.

Once the last table was clean I put them away in the storage room and smiled. Feeling accomplished, all I had to do now was the last thing on my list. I walked over to the small office and presses the green Freddy button. All together the lights turn off and a soft glow of blue hangs over the daycare. I looked up and saw all the beautiful stars and fake plants that are up here. Once I had done staring at the feeling I began to walk through the play area "yo sunny! Where are you bub? I just finished up cleaning" you slightly yell through the daycare. Looking around however you can't see the happy ball of sunshine. Soon you were able to make it to the ballpit with his tower and just shrug it off as him using his recharge station or sleeping.

Turning on my heel I begin to walk back to the office when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull you in "naughty naughty. You broke the rules~"

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