4. Back to beginnings

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I was in my dorm sitting cross legged on my bed as I snacked on some 'el chips' as i was writing out a new schedule for special occasions like birthdays and holidays. Sundrop wanted birthday ones to change after each year so It wasn't too much of a hassle. Just as I was halfway done the lights switched off in my room and I rolled my eyes. This was the fifth time in a row the lights had gone out. By now I knew I could turn on the emergency power generators.

I walked through the fraz mall and had 4 out of 5 of them done, the last one wasn't too far so I just started to walk down the long hallway. Something was off...no matter how much I keep walking I'm getting no closer to the last generator. I stoped walking and my eyes widen in horror. I could see the walls stretching out making it longer and more impossible.

I started to run down the wall, desperately trying to reach the last one. Something was behind me. I needed to get the power on! No matter how much I try to run I can't get any closer, I reached out my hands to grab it when suddenly the ground under me shook making me fall into my face.

I flipped myself over to my back to see monty was the one behind me, his jaw was broken and unhinged, from here I could see the blood dripping from his mouth, it was never ending as it continued to drip out. His whole body was cracked and dirty, even his claws were covered in blood.

I wanted to scream.
I wanted to run and cry.
But I couldn't.

I was stuck, frozen in fear as I watched monty step closer and closer to me. Each step causing a mini earthquake each time got closer and closer, it make my heart skip a beat. It wasn't until he jumped at me that I was able to scream and move. Bouncing to my feet and sprinting it down the ever lasting hallway. My lungs were burning my legs where hurting, but I didn't care, all the fear and adrenaline forced me to keep running as fast I could. But it wasn't enough.

My whole body slammed into the cold concrete floor as monty was on top of me. One of his hands on the back of my head holding my face in the floor and the other by the side of my face to keep himself steady. I started to cry in fear and struggle as much I could, I struggled till I flipped myself over and was now face to face with the angry alligator. He let out a heart sinking rawr before slamming his head into my side and closing his jaw around my waist.


I wake as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in my brain and together they are as panic with jump-leads. Only now my brain is as a flat battery, Panting softly as I looked around the room before my eyes get on Sundrop. Before I could even think I wrapped my arms around him and began to sob into his chest. My right arm clutching my side in fear. Sundrop slowly pulled me into his lad and held me close, one arm holding me in place as the other stroking my head and back. He whispered soft comforting words into my ear as I sobbed into his warm yellow chest.

It took me a while before I was able to calm down and get my Sobbing to a soft cry. I pulled myself out of sundrop's chest, looking up at him with my red tear stained eyes. For a moment I thought I saw him almost not smile, I didn't have a enough time to think about it before he started to clean my tears off my cheeks.

"Would you like to talk about it? It's okay if you don't want to." He said in such a calm soft voice it was hard to believe it was even him. I took a few shaky deep breaths to steady myself more, I closed my eyes and took in one more deep breath. I held it for a few seconds before slowly letting out out and opening my eyes once more.

"Well...do you remember when I first started working here...?

When I first started to work in the daycare...a lot of the parents were whispering about me. It didn't take long for the kids to also catch on and start taking about me too.

You were fast to shut that down and get to kids to forget no one really got the the full story. So this is it...

Before I was working at the daycare I got a job cleaning the 'bands bedrooms' during stage time so after they were ready for after. The staff knew that after every stage monty...monty would go crazy and destroy his whole room and was able to rip through the mental fences. But I didn't know...

I was halfway through done cleaning up monty's room I heard this door open there he was. Standing there twitching as his head yes glowed a dark red, he started to destroy his room when his eyes landed on me...he jumped at me and ending up biting my side..." I lifted my shirt to show the scar, it was on my left side of my waist in the shape of a large bite mark. Once I knew Sundrop had seen it I let go on my shirt, letting it fall back into place before I looked at his face.

If Sundrop could have a expression...I wouldn't know what it would be. His whole energy had changed and I could almost feel his emotions, they were strong and tense it felt like it was tightening my chest. I could feel the despair and anger coming off of him. It was intoxicating how strong his emotions where, so what so I didn't realise he was muttering to himself till now.. leaning in I could hear him mutter "I will fucking kill him" snd "how dare he" under his breath, the first one sounded a lot more like moondrop and the second was more like sundrops.

I had to admit it was scary seeing him like this and being so angry, even when he would ban kids from the daycare he was never this mad or upset.

I wonder what I had started.

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