5. Conflict

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| This chapter is from the POV of Moondrop and Sundrop. |

'We cant.'

'Why can't we?'

'It wouldn't be right.'

'Why wouldn't it be?'

'Because we'll be in trouble.'

'Who said they had to know?'

'They would find out moon.'

'Only if we're not careful.'

It went on like this for some time. Me and moon going back and forth what the information that Y/N have given us. I know moon has strong feelings towards them, he always has. Even when we first started working together he was so interested in her..

I had just finished getting a small group of children to bed. Once they had all settled down I heard the big exist doors opened, turning around I saw three workers. One was a tall lanky man wearing a manger shirt, another was a shorter and younger security guard and the other-

They were beautiful. Even from afar I could see their soft smile that made me want to short circuit. As sun got closer I noticed how the light hit their eyes, it looked like stars were shinning inside of them making the colour stand out perfectly against their complexion. Even the way their uniform fitted was beautiful perfect. THEY were perfect.

"Sup sunny. This is Y/N, They will be helping you in the daycare for a while" the manager said pushing forward the young worker, they smiled at me and held out their hand. I smiled back as always and shook their hand in a very dramatic sense. "HELLLLO Y/N MY NAME IS SUNDROP I AM SOOOOO HAPPY TO BE WORKING WITH YOU"

'Stop being so loud'

The manger pulled me aside to discuss things about the new helper. "Listen. Y/N was moved here due to an accident, this was the safest place to put her till her physical and mental health got better. So we have a few more rules for you to follow. First one being no monty merch is to be allowed inside the daycare. Second no hugging or extreme physical activity's for them and lastly...shut down any rumours about Y/N"

'I don't like him. I don't like this'

'why do you say that?'

'It's suspicious'

'It's not our place to question'

'They clearly hurt them!'

'Why are you getting so angry?'

'It's unfair. It's like breaking rules'

That was true. But it's weird to see moon get upset about something, sure he's a lot like me but he is also very much the opposite. I decided not to question it and just allow him to be upset about me.


The next few weeks I spent training Y/N, I thought by now that moon would had calmed down with his obsession with with them but...it was only getting stronger. Whenever a kid was too rude to them or a parent was too close moon would become so angry it was hard to control him. He had tried to take cover to turn the lights off, it was beginning to get scary.

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