Shade 1 - I'm Hayes

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Hayes's POV
My name is Hayes Grier I'm 14. I have a girlfriend her name is Kaiyln. Anyways I was making a vine when a girl snuck up behind me"Help"I said a little to loudly. But I didn't realize it was Kaye. "Sorry Kaye " I said. "Haha you should've seen your face" Kaye said laughing. " It's not funny Kaye" I said angrily. " Is Hayes boo mad? " Kaye said like a four year old. All of a sudden Nash and Cam walked in. " What's going on in here?" Cam asked. "Nothing" me and Kaye said in unison. "Ya lyin" Nash said. "Come on Kaye we're leaving" Cam said."Nooooo" Kaye said. "You will see bae later" Nash said. "We will?"Me and Kaye said in unison. "Okay then see you later bae" I said. "I love you" Kaye said. "No I love you more"I said."No I love you and then Cam cut me off "We gotta go" Cam said. "But I didn't Cam cut me off again "Let's go" Cam said angrily."Bye bae" I said. "I gotta say bye to Skylnn" Kaye said. "Fine you got five minutes to say bye" Cam said.
Kaye's POV
"Bye Skylnn" I said while I hugged her. "Bye Kaye" she said while hugging me. I went to Hayes's room "Bye bae" I said before I kissed him. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Cam yelled. "Cam he's my boyfriend and we're not fucking" I said sassily. "She's my bae" Hayes said. "Sorry Hayes I gotta go" I said sadly.
Me and Kaye got in the car and then all of a sudden Kaye started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked raising my eyebrows. Kaye looked down at her phone. "What Kaye?" I asked. "Just a text from Hayes" Kaye said. "Okay" I said.
Kaye's POV
From Bae (Hayes): I sprayed Nash with a water gun and he almost Shit his pants. To Bae(Hayes) : I can't stop laughing. I started laughing out loud. Cam POV
Kaye kept laughing. "WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY?" I asked yelling! "Hayes sprayed Nash with a water gun and he almost Shit himself " Kaye said. "Oh"I said and then I started the car and we drove home in silence. "Kaye" I called. "What?" Kaye asked. "Come here" I said. "Why?" Kaye asked . "Just come" I said."Okay" Kaye said. "Kaye I think you're spending to much time with Hayes" I said. "No I'm not Cam" Kaye said. "Okay tomorrow you can't see him then" I said. "You're not my mom so I don't have to listen to you" Kaye said."Mom told me to bitch" I said. "Okay well you don't have to be such an asshole" Kaye said before running up to her room. " Kaye I'm sorry" I said while crying. I walked up to Kaye's room and knocked on the door. "What do you want Cam?" Kaye asked. "I want to talk" I said. "Okay come in then" Kaye said. "I'm sorry Kaye mom told me that you and Hayes had to watch Skylnn while me and the boys go to a event." I said."I'm sorry to" Kaye said. "No you did the right thing" I said.
Kaye's POV
Today we went to Hayes's house so I could help Hayes watch Skylnn. "Hey bae" I said. "Hey bae" Hayes said. "Where's Sky?" I asked. "She sleep" Hayes said. "But it's 2 o'clock" I said. "She stayed up til' 2o'clock in the morning'" Hayes said. "Damn" I said. "I know right" Hayes said. "She'll probably get up around 3 o'clock" Hayes said. "What should we do for an hour then?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "I don't know?" Hayes said thinking."Kayes" Skylnn said scaring me and Hayes. "What?" Me and Hayes said in unison. "Your ship name" said Skylnn making it sound so obvious."How do you know what a ship name is?" Hayes asked. "I live with you and Nash Duh?" Skylnn said. "I'm hungry" Skylnn whined. "Where do wanna go to eat?" Hayes asked. "I don't know?" Me and Skylnn said in unison. "Haha" Hayes giggled."What about Subway?" I asked. "Sounds good" Skylnn said. "Let's Go" Skylnn said.
At Subway. Skylnn POV
Hayes and Kaye we're being nasty they were kissing and stuff. "Eww!" I said after Hayes and Kaye broke away from a kiss. "Dats (that's) nasty" I said. "Whatevs" Kaye giggled. "Let's order" Hayes said. After they ate
Hayes POV
Cam and Nash came back home.

The chapter is not ova. Sorry I have not been updating I have been busy. I will start updating more tho'.
Keep reading. I will be making more books soon. ENJOY!!

Cam POV an hour later
"Where the hell is Kaye;Hayes;and Sky?"I asked. "I don't know?" Nash said. Kaye;Hayes;and Sky walk in. "Where the hell have you been?" I asked angrily. "We went to Subway and then the park I texted you" Kaye said choking on tears while they were running down her cheek. Kaye ran outside tears running down her cheeks. "Kaye;Kaye I'm sorry" I yelled. I started running after Kaye. "Just leave her a- Hayes started but I cut him off "Shut up" I yelled. A tear ran down Hayes's cheek. And then he ran outside with Kaye."Hayes don't go" Nash started but Hayes already left. Cam made it outside. Nash POV
I ran outside with everyone else
"Kaye? Hayes?" I asked. "Ha" Sky yelled as she jumped on me. "Aaahhh!!" I yelled. "It's not funny; I'm trying to find Kaye and Hayes" I said. "Kaye! Hayes!" I yelled while I seen them holding each other while crying. They had red puffy eyes from crying. And tears were running down their faces."I'm so sorry guys" Cam said tears running down his face. His eyes we're puffy from crying. "Are you guys okay?" I asked crying myself. " I'm fine now" Kaye said. "Uh; me to" Hayes said. "Sorry Hayes it's just Kaye's been through a lot of stuff " I said. " I have to" Hayes said like a diva. "I know but?" I said more like a question. " But what?" Hayes asked raising his eyebrows. " I don't know?" I said. "Are you guys okay?" Cam asked after he stopped crying.
"We're okay now" Kaye said."We're fine now" Hayes said with a I want to be alone look. "Uhhm"i'll leave you too alone" Cam said while glancing at Me. "Okay"I said. Me and Cam left them alone. Kaye POV "Bae I'm sorry about the whole situation"I said. "It's fine bae"Hayes said."No it's not"I said. "BAE?" I said. "WHAT??" Hayes said."IDK(I don't know)?" I told Hayes. "Let's go inside" Hayes said."Wait" I said. "What?" Hayes asked. I started making out with Hayes. "Wait til' we get to my room bae" Hayes said."Okay"I said. We walked to Hayes room Hayes POV
Me and Kaye went to my room and started making out. Cam and Nash walk in. "Did you get the D?" Nash asked. "She wishes"Cam said. "Aye we're not dirty yet" Kaye said. Everyone started laughing. "So did you get the D or nah?" Nash asked. "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE GOTTEN THE D" Cam yelled angrily. "Chill" Nash said. "Kaye;Hayes I'm sorry about that I was just mad" Cam said. "It's okay"I said. "Uhm can I be alone with Kaye"I asked."If you don't Fuck her" Cam said."I won't" Hayes said.
"Kaye;I love you; you know that right? " I said. "I love you more" Kaye said. Cam POV
Me and Nash were spying on Kaye and Hayes. "Ya lyin' I love you more"Hayes said. "No I love Kaye more" I said popping up. "You scared the Fuck out of me"Kaye said. "Keep cursing;and I'll tell mom. "Noooooo"Kaye said. "Yaaaaaaasssss" I said copying Kaye. "You won't be the best big brother ever if you told mom"Kaye said. "KAIYLN SHAY DALLAS!!" I yelled. "Do you know how much TROUBLE I got YOU OUT of " I said. "Huh Missy?"I asked sassily. "A lot" Kaye said slouching. "I never do anything for you " she said slouching even more. "Kaye;I didn't say that to make you feel bad"I said. "Sorry Cam" I said. "No sorry Kaye" he said.

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