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I panicked for a few seconds, but then remembered that it was literally a children's robot. It couldn't do anything bad to me... right? 

wait a second- did he just say sun keeps talking about me? I blushed for a second, but then I quickly shook my head and moon tilted his head in confusion. "Hey idiot, why are you shaking your head?" He asked. "I'll tell you if you can catch me!" I said while sprinting away from the robot, not knowing how fast he was.

I looked around in the cramped play set, watching for any sign of movement. "You can run, but you can't hide!" I heard from a familiar voice behind me. The last words that crossed my mind were, "Shit." And then everything went black.

I found myself laying near the edge of the slide, with colorful plastic balls crowding me. I looked around, trying to find sun but he was no where to be seen. I pushed myself out of the ball pit, and yelled out, "Sun?! Where are you?" Was he playing hide and seek or something. 

All of a sudden, from around the corner I heard sun's voice say, "I still can't believe that you told y/n that I told you about them! I'll never tell you any secrets ever again!" Then, I heard moon sigh and say, "I don't care about you secrets." 

"You should." 

"And why is that?"

"I'll tell y/n that you still sleep with a stuffed animal." I heard suns voice say.

"You wouldn't!"

"I would" 

I couldn't help but laugh as sun quickly tuned around, and waved to me nervously. "Aww, that's so adorable that the big, scary Moon still sleeps with a teddy bear." I taunted, knowing that Moon could hear me loud and clear. 

"I wouldn't say that if I were you!" Sun warned me. "Its not like he can do anything, after all, hes weak." I taunted again. Sun obviously started getting nervous and he changed the subject. You may be asking, "Oh, what did he change the subject to?" Think about it for good 2 minutes.

Glitter glue. I'm surprised he still has any left after letting those kids pour it all over him the other day. "Oh! Oh! I know what we could use the glitter glue for!" He excitedly said, jumping up and down. "What's that?" I asked, interested. "We could make drawings of me and moon and glue them on paper to show the children when they come!" "Alright, we can do that." I agreed smiling with a hand on the back of my head as sunny showed me where the paper was. 

I made Sun look normal in my drawing, but for some reason I wanted to tease Moon even more so I drew him with a bunch of arrows pointing to him that said. "Our favorite stuffed animal lover!" Obviously, I don't blame him for sleeping with a stuffed animal since they're super cute, but I know it makes him mad so i'm doing it anyways.

As I looked down at my watch to check the time, It said 2:59 am, 1 minute away before 3:00 Am. Oh shoot- Isn't that the time where Vanny comes to shut the lights off? Before I could think of the next word I was gonna say, sure enough the lights started to flicker, then turn off. 

I felt Moon's presence behind me, and he said, "What. The. Fuck." I laughed and he told me, "you won't be laughing for long, little luna.

! Sorry for the short chapter !

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