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My eyes focused on him before I found my voice. "Where are they now?"

          "In The sun room, I guess. At least that was where I sent my last  progress report".

         "And Lena?" I asked, watching his lips move.

         "She is still out and unconscious in her room."

        "Wait, You mean she's been unconscious for a full twenty four hours?"

He nodded. Yes, your mom even gave her some foreign oil. Then directed us to make her comfortable in her room. Since then, she hasn't stirred."     
My eyes widened in horror. "Who else got the oil drops?" I asked, realizing that it was the holy spirit navigating my line of questioning.

        "Everyone of us." He replied.

I shook my head, 'My parents were becoming something else..' I muttered under my breath.

       "This liquid thing," I continued. "How did it make you feel?"

     "It clouded my mind!" He exclaimed as though realizing himself.  "But was I drugged or something?"

My head shook. Only those with the experience could tell the story.
He ran his hands across his face. "It even made me forget the easiest things. My mind felt clogged and cloudy."He complained.  "But.. This  right now just cleared  head." 
He broke down crying, his head on his lap. I held him and ministered to him again.

          "Peace. Be. Still! I declared. He calmed and exhaled.

Staring into his eyes. "You need to get me to Lena discreetly."

        "Not a problem. I know how things work around here. Will try to create a distraction." 

         " But your parents, what should I tell them? I am to report to them every hour, and it's almost over an hour now, they may want to visit." He asked, hinting at understanding what was going on.

I knew he had questions but now wasn't the time to go through all that.

         "Just tell them the truth. I am awake."

        "Are you sure?" 


He nodded and let the room it a gloomy expression. My mouth flew into serious prayers as soon as he left.

       Ten minutes later, my parents busted into my room looking flustered. I smiled when I saw them, my Dad hugged me while my mom showed her fake genuine smile.

        "How are you feeling Jacob?" My mother spoke first.

Accepting a quick hug from my mother, I answered.    "Fine. Brand even.  

         "You really gave us a scare yesterday." My mother complained. "We even thought you were going crazy."

I smiled, knowing a manipulative spirit was at work seeking to get words out of my mouth. "All is well mum. All is Well."

My father  hadn't said a thing since he got  my room, raised  eyes and pinned them on me.
            "If you say you are alright. I take it that your meeting with the ministers will still hold?"

I returned his gaze and nodded.  "Oh that? Sure. It's on."

With that, my mom and dad hugged me again and left my room.

          One thing I was sure of was that I must leave this place and run to the church. I needed to douse my self in prayer. In a place where I could build circuits upon circuits of fire. 
This house, my parent house had turned into a cult of some sorts, emitting only weird demonic activities that kept crushing my prayer life.

          I was done pitting on clothes when I heard the subtle knock. It was Stan, no doubt.
Quickly, I opened the door. He silently led me out of my room to the staff quarters.

         "Are you sure the coast is clear."

He nodded. "Took care of everything."

         "And Dubem?" I asked.  You know how she is." He agreed with a nod.
That lady was one of a kind. The whole staff identifies here as my mother's wireless recorder. No one does anything with her in sight.

We walked across the staff quarters from the main house and there was no Dubem. According to Stan, she'd been assigned to laundry duty at the newly built laundry room.  Hopefully, she would remain there till I'm done with my work.    

      Lena was still stretched in her bed. Her face pale and shriveled. Within twenty four hours, She had aged more than twice her age. Her breathing was regular, as I watched Stan do a quick vitals on her.

He gave me a thumbs up as soon as he was done. I clasped my hands in hers. The image before me when I closed my eyes forced me to loose my footing.

         "Blood of Jesus!" I screamed.

         "What is the matter?" Stan asked. Worried.

My fingers lifted to my lips. "Shhh."

  I closed my eyes again, Some invisible beings surrounded Lena.
I counted five in all. They were feasting on her. Using her as a table for their meal. Slurping her blood.

         "Get your filthy hands off her now! In Jesus name!" I commanded with maximum authority.

As if recognizing my presence for the first time. They dropped their food on Lena's body and turned their faces at me. Ash covered their faces, making it darker.
When they spoke, it was as if they had no mouth, their entire face was meshed into each other. 

    When they began to move towards me, I could hear Stan cry out. I opened my eyes to see that they had made themselves known physically. Stan could see them!
I broke into tongues, my fear gone. I danced in my renewed boldness. Scriptures began to gush out of my mouth like waterfall.

"Acts 10:38

       'How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy ghost  and with power, who went about doing good. Who went about healing all that  were oppressed of the devil for God was with him.'

         "The Lord is my refuge, The Holy one my habitation, No harm will over take me, No harm will come near my tent. For he will command his Angels to take charge over me, over Lena, over this house!

They  will guide me in all my ways! They will lift me in their hands least I dash my feet on a stone. Oh yes! Have you not heard that the everlasting God is my dwelling place?
And did you also know that, No one says a thing and it comes to pass? Except the Lord commands it!

     "You 'all came into my home, into my sanctuary to terrorize, to maim and to destroy, but you forgot I have a counter claim! Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly! 

Standing on the word of God and in the infallible name of Jesus! I command you workers of iniquity, you entities of destruction to get out of Lena's body right now!
Get out of this house, get out of this land,  In. Jesus. Name.! Amen." I switched  back to speaking in tongues as they fell over themselves.

       Lena's color began to come back. I intensified my prayers until they dried up and  their ashes disappeared with them.
Sweat ran down my face, I wiped them off with the back of my hand.  Lena coughed, Stan and I were at her side immediately.

She pulled herself up to a sitting position. Her mouth moved silently in prayer.
The rest  of the staff had now walked into the room. Their faces filled with awe for they saw what happened. Lena got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I rolled myself on the floor giving praise to God who had showed himself mighty again.

The entire staff were on their knees praising God. When I was sure a Lena was better, I left her in the care of Stan.

UNWITTING VESSELS  (sequel To Vessels Unknown)Where stories live. Discover now