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      As  I followed the main path to church, my mind was filled with scenes from my experience in the last twenty four hours.
          Had I just watched the glow from my fathers body enter every single person he laid hands on?
I didn't know if I should be worried, terrified or disappear. First was my dream encounter with them. Now this!

            "If one hundred people could be channeled like that, in just a few minutes,  what then would become of the church in months to come?" I continued to dialogue with myself.

My head shook at the cold negative imaginations that just surfaced in my mind. It would end up being a den of demons.

            I pushed myself to walk faster so I could get there before my prayer time. Last night after the midweek service, I hid myself in my room, praying.
I couldn't behold my parents neither did they want to see me. Looked like we all avoided each other.

Placing my duffle bag in a semi closet in my office, I calculated on how long I would stay hidden from them. Going back home without a solution would be a disaster waiting to happen.

  After few minutes in my office, I ventured into the sanctuary. It was empty. The twenty four hour prayer team were not there, so I sat and enjoyed the stillness alone. 
Sleep waged war on my body but I had assignments. Specific spiritual assignments.

The young ministers meeting would be tomorrow, I hadn't prayed about it, neither have I made a spiritual investigation about them.
I took my normal position by the altar and first listened to messages by fiery men of God.

        The sermons fired up my spirit, I began to pray loudly in the spirit. I felt a hunger that wasn't physical, right  there I knew my spiritual battery had greatly been depleted.
I couldn't even summon those ministers in the spirit. It grieved my heart that I allowed clusters of events to weaken my spiritual antenna.

Hours later, I'd soaked myself in prayer and prayed until my environment yielded to the Holy spirit. Then I felt peace wash over me. My body surrendered to sleep and right there, I slept.

          "Good morning Brother Jacob." A  voice called out to me in my sleep.
I woke up to find a lady standing above me. The badge she had hanging on her neck read 'cleaning crew'. I smiled.

          "Good morning, Nellie. So sorry to be in your way." I apologized, picking up my bible.

It was early morning the next day. I moved back into my office to freshen up and wait for my guests. The knock on the door unveiled  Isaiah.

        "Good morning, he greeted me, smiling.

        " All is well?" I asked, surprised. I hardly see Isaiah on this side of the building complex. His head moved in a nod.

         "The ministers have arrived. I have admitted them into the hostels. Senior Pastor wanted me to  inform you in person." He explained.

         "Well, I will be in auditorium C when they get here. Just direct them accordingly." We shook hands and he disappeared behind the door.

Seconds later, a voice called me. "Bro Jacob?" My eyes came face to face with Isaiah again.

       "Are you alright?" I asked, watching his indecisive mind control his movement.
He cleared his throat. "It's about Senior Pastor. Your Dad."

He waited to see if I was interested in what he was about till say. "Speak up please."

He shuffled,before he found his voice.  "Lately, he's been a little weird. kinda off. I'm sorry, I don't know if should be telling you this. I am a little worried about him." He paused, waiting for me to say something.  I looked at him discerningly.  The sincerity of his spirit was on point.

UNWITTING VESSELS  (sequel To Vessels Unknown)Where stories live. Discover now