The Judgemental Kewanda

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It all started with a whisper.
''I don't have a body,yet I whisper'' came the voice.
Caesy waited.
He realized that he was waiting for a body,and that he wasn't getting one. He was just a voice.
These two ideas began too circle around in his head. They seemed to have a life of their own. Thoughts and ideas kept popping up and he was trying to make sense of them. After a while he could not tell what was the thought of his own and what was the voice.
A strange, soothing whisper.
Like a soft breeze, like a soft echo.
He asked himself if he was going mad.
But it was so soft.
So soft, he couldn't hear it.
It was just there nagging.
Nagging him.
And then he heard.
He heard it.
''Help me!''
He hesitated. Maybe he was going mad.
''Help me!'' It was easy to hear this time.
Then, all at once. His point of view was changing.
Everything was changing.
He was changing.
This scared him as it dawned on him that he was losing his sense of self.
He saw himself drowing in a puddle of his neighbours judgmental words, for him being a 'silent freak'.
Caesy never had any talks with the people of Kewanda, rather he just lived like an outcast.
He was drifting off into some sort of life he never knew.
Mental shifting was quick and very sudden.
If  not for his glasses he would not even remember it had happened.
They snapped off like a piece of dry,brittle wood.
They fell to the carpet and shattered like a broken mirror.
They left a mark on his face, but he could not feel any pain.
His hearing was diminishing.
He could hear nothing but a weak drizzle.
Moments ago there was a storm. Then he heard a shriek.
Maybe from outside. Maybe inside.
He heard it again.
This time it wasn't in his head.
''What have you done this time!'' the old man, Mr.Cocky Judgementally shouted.
The environment felt like it was closing in around Caesy. 
In his mind, he grew larger and larger, expanding with rage. If he didn't do something, fast, to get himself under control, he'd explode and take out everything and everyone around him.
Mrs. Welsey, the Deputy cheif's wife, led the  rest of the villagers towards Caesy's house.
A man had been found lying down around his gate area and he had collapsed. People started  shouting and claiming that the man had been murdered. The only person who was around that area at that time it was Caesy.
''This freaky man over here is a equally a monster!'' Mr.Cocky unexpectedly started to narrate.
''I wish you could see what he did to this poor innocent man.''
Caesy's eye's started to speak fury in him. He had nothing to do but to be silent as he always did.
He knew all that was been narrated was a planned move for the people to annoy him so that he could leave Kewanda.
Caesy was a clever man, despite his anger character, he knew when to use it and when to remain silent.
His dad had taught him despite the cruelty and meanless judgement given to him, he would only remain silent.
With no time, the police arrived and had a quick search to give the villagers a quick update for them to remain calm.
''The man isn't dead yet,'' the Police spokes person stated ''It seems the man was a little tired since he was heavily drank.
'' I think there is a mistake! Are the Police covering for this man?'' One of the villagers doubtfully shouted.
Mr.Caesy came from a rich background. His father, Mr.Don Caesy, owned thirteen shoe-making companies from all over the world and he had several shares in the Kewanda Railways.Wealth to him was not a problem, generosity was the poison to the other high class community around him.
Caesy never associated himself with rich, rather he spent all his lifetime with the beggars and the poor in a
small ghetto down Kilimimo Falls. He helped the
outcasted since after his lovely wife, Mrs.Kent, passed
away after suffering from niucamie,he dedicted his life
and wealth in helping the forgotten, as it was his wife
last wishes to help the needy.
The Kewandaians saw Caesy was gaining trust and
honour. The rich hood, led by Mrs. Welsey, sensed an
overthrow of their authority since Caesy was nicknamed 'The god of Kewanda'.
''Why is he not talking? Why does he look scared? one
man shouted. Caesy slowly took his blue leather jacket
and carried his riffle. With no much a do, he was out to
face the monkey-talking of the villagers.
"Finally the stupid freak has come out!'' the villagers
laughed. ''This time you won't get away with it.''
The Sunset escaped the drama and dived into the
underworld. The moonlight witnessed the crazy
Kewanda's actions as a soft cold breeze waved down the
entire town.
''I didn't do anything. Am innocent!'' He defended
''I have been good to everyone, including you
Mrs.Welsey. My family have been long good friends
ever since my dad was alive. Wy is it that when I live my
private life everyone wa..''
''Stop it freak!'' Mr.Cocky interupts Caesy.

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