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''Those who adopt that persona must be the
Villagers who want to become the next Sheriff.''
He has forgotten that the villagers were a collection of criminals who set the people against one another in order to feel better about themselves. Pushed to the social boundaries, they use their natural selfishness against others to feel some feeling of self-importance without having to let labour have control of their destiny.
all had planned to create more chaos.
''I'm not a freak.'' Caesy defended himself. ''Young man
everyone call me Caesy.''
Mrs.Welsey was quick to speak ''I'm sorry, I apologize for the
kind of situation I have brought about. The freak that is over
there is just a bit slow to read.''
Caesy nodded in agreement for he could not refute such an
''So Mr.Cocky, tell me what had really happened?'' the
stranger asked.
''On my way to work, I saw this weird guy lying down. He
was pale, dirty and he looked dead to me.''
The man sighed.
''I could see something was wrong. I went to help him
but he went mad and started with his blazing riffle. I
fled the area and went straight to the police station.''
Everyone looked at Caesy. He knew what they wanted.
They wanted no mercy.
Usually that fact would have angered Caesy, but not this time.
''Now I really understand you can't help it. You have a
problem right?''
''Yes I have! I have a problem to be seen trustworthy.''
The villagers looked confused. They didn't understand
what Caesy was justifying.
''Yes Caesy, please explain,'' the stranger insisted Caesy to continue.
''for a long time now, I have lived in this town. I have had
no intention of leaving. I have always respected everybody in
this town, including you Mrs. Welsey. I am what you call a
'class' person, and not a 'low class' person.''
''You seem to fit this image of a social disease, but does it
mean your good to me?'' the stranger thought cuttingly said.
''You are a bit deluded I think, but that's okay. You don't
need to be bad. After all your behaviour, where people have
or aim to get you out of the town, what happened? You
don't understand the message for you have a communication
Caesy couldn't believe what was happening.
''Yes, I understand what you are on about. Mr. Cocky and
everyone else how is on this stage has a problem and it's not just
''The problem is, Mr. Kat and your guests have a problem
and I want to help you fix the problem.''
''So what you saying?'' another villager, Mr.Kepi asked.
''I'm saying, you all want me out of this town,''
''That's true isn't it?'' the stranger asked.
''Yes!'' everyone chanted in unison.
''If you all want me out of this town so much, let me
take a trip, a trip that should have taken place long ago.
The stranger couldn't believe what he had just heard.
Caesy raised his riffle.
''Are you serious?'' the stranger asked.
Caesy nodded.
''I will count to three or you all please leave me alone,''
''Alright, we all want to help you. You should leave this
town and start a new life elsewhere. A young man like you
should move out of this town and start your life over,'' the
stranger stated. ''No!'' Caesy quickly interrupted.''I can't do that.''
''Why not?''
''because I can't happily live my life without
everyone forgiving me for my naivity.''
''Do you know, who am I?'' the stranger asked.
''I know you are the guy who has been trying to help me
for a long time now. You are the only one who has been
doing that, but I can't take it.''
''Since you know who I am, I think it's safe to say, you
are scared of me.''
''No I'm not scared. I am hopeless but not scared. Empowerment,
it's not the solution to the problem.''
''Let me ask you simple question. Who would be able to
run the town without the help of his own family?''
Caesy spoke nothing. He thought about it, and he knew exactly who the stranger meant.
''Very good Caesy.''
''I don't know. I don't have a name for him. I only know him as
'The Kewandaian'''
''Well that's what i call myself, because I am the one leading this town.''
Caesy was left silent.

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