chapter-1 come home....

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POV [Maria]

As a usual morning I woke up by the annoying sound of alarm. 'It would be good that I could sleep one hour' I slammed shut the alarm's mouth up and went to mirror to look at my face which was actually looking tired. ' Is this a age effect or what?..oh no' How someone can feel so old at the age of 26yrs only. 'No, this could be the exhaustiveness of yesterday's' I tried to understand myself.

"Bryce....Brad wake up my jelly beans " I yelled from downstairs and got reply in a storming way "yes mommy". But I know, they will not leave the bed until I'll enter the room.

To get them ready is most favourite part of my daily routine. I headed to their room and saw both were still stuck to bed, they look really cute while sleeping. A small curve formed on my lips by just looking at them. I stride to Bryce at first "get up Bryce" I said revealing his face by moving away the blanket. His black hair dishevelled all over oh his face.

" mommy... do I have to go school today also? " Bradley appeared pulling his blanket down from his face.

" no baby you don't need to as its Sunday." I told him pulling in embrace and petting his thick dark brown hair. Brad and Bryce both are replicas, but if someone will keenly observe they will find the difference. And being a mother it wasn't a big deal for me to distinguish both of them.

As Bradley had already woken up I led him to bathroom and gave a tooth brush with toothpaste on it, just few days ago started doing it on his own, I feel proud of my son for that. He is growing big now. I helped him in bathing and to get dressed up neatly.

After Bradley, I made my way back to Bryce who was still sleeping " Bryce if you are not going to wake up now I will go to the park with Bradley, you have to stay at home and no outing means no ice cream I don't need to clarify that... I guess " with those 3 sentences Bryce opened his eyes like 1000 watt bulb lits up just after nano seconds of switching on.

"mommy... I'm also coming to park see I'm awake " within a second Bryce stoop down from bed and stood next to me. " of course my dear you are coming with us " I picked him up and took him to bathroom.

After that fresh up session I made my way back to kitchen. I  gave the hot pancakes to my little cupcakes . To make my tired body active I made a strong coffee, and didn't put any extra effort on breakfast.

" mom may we go outside to play football" Bryce asked me. He is a big fan of football but Bradley likes spiderman and story reading. Two opposite poles like interests of these two kids always makes me think 'are they really twins!!'

"Okay...but no fighting "I permitted as he was not going to leave me until I give permission.

"Fine mom" they yelled and slipped through the door.

I collapsed on the couch in living room ' feeling great' just then my phone started ringing 'no way...I can't handle it anymore' first if all I thought to ignore but it could any emergency also so, I got up and went to pick the phone up, which was placed on dining table and lifted it up without looking, where was the call from?.

" hello"I spoke up almost in scornful way " hello maria..... how are you doing my kid" I heard a very warm and loving voice from other side " Dad!!!" I was unable to speak anything, it was unbelievable for me that he called me. A surprise or shock how to define the the situation i didn't know "um..I..I'm fine in fact I'm good " I answered in confusion and excitement both.

"Happy to here but I'm not well Maria I was through an attack" he told me " what..?? How are you now daddy ? Is there all fine or not? When did it happen? " I became worried about him. He was very much healthy, then what happened to him suddenly?

" I'm feeling better now maria its being one week I have been discharged from hospital and taking rest at home" he said " oh... thank god " the words escaped from my mouth  " I'm all alone Maria I want to see my daughter.. " he paused "will you please come home maria " I could guess he needed emotional support." but dad" I tried to be strong" I'm sorry for all what I said, I want to see you Maria so that I can die peacefully" he said and tears rolled down from my eyes " dad...." I paused as there were no words to speak up, I was totally speechless.

" come home Maria, I can't die in guilt. I can't face your mom after death, she will not forgive me" He said remembering my mom . my mom, she loved me a lot I was her princess she used to call me that. After my sister Sarah's birth she passed away in an accident. My father was completely broke after her and made himself busy, very very busy in work. He never had time even to spend with us. It was jolting to see him in such a weak conditions.

" Maria.. say something" his voice dragged me out of my train of thoughts " I will think about it" with those words I was going to hang up but his voice stopped me to do that" don't say no my child, I'm dying to see you, please!! "

He plead.. I never saw even  heard my father this much helpless and requesting someone. I couldn't stop myself listening to him" I'll come". I hanged up.

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