chapter-2 first kiss

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POV[Edward Williamson(Maria's father)]„

After a very long rest I was again in my office, I loved three things unconditionally in life, my late wife, my daughters and my business empire.

I always wanted to keep them away from every harm.

"Hey dad! good morning and welcome back" Sarah greeted entering in my office "thanks sweetheart "I said and she took her seat in front of my office table. " so dad yesterday you said you wanna say something" she said with neutral face " is there anything about business, of course it will be..then tell me"she continued in I know everything tone with little smirk " No its not about business and work " I said and got a quick amused gaze on her face" what...?? Then what do you want to talk about? "she asked completely shocked. It was not her fault, after whatever happened to Maria, I was mad on Maria and stopped talking to her. Sarah also was effected by that I started treating her rudely. I'm feeling very bad what I did to my daughters.

" I want to talk about Maria " her shocking expression replaced with tension "I called her 3 days ago, asked her to come back home" she was still amused and was looking at me like a statue "Dad...oh my god... you asked her to come home " she yelled and started jumping on her chair " I can't believe dad" literally, she screamed thanks to soundproof walls of my office, nobody can hear it from outside.

" yes I realized that whatever happened to her was not her mistake I shouldn't had done this to her" I told her " so, when she is coming ?" she asked in excitement " next week" I informed " and now she is going stay with us forever" I continued " oh dad I love you" she got up from her chair came to me and pulled me into a tight hug.



" so when you are leaving for LA" my friend and colleague Lisa asked me, sipping her coffee " day after tomorrow..I mean Sunday" I told all my friends " so when will you return?" James asked, he rarely speaks in front of all. He is a very quiet guy " will not" the three of my friends turned there faces to look at me with a quite shocked faces " yes I'm not going to return I am  moving forever " I was feeling bad to say that and leaving them. They are my friends who were always there with me in every situation " but why..? Don't you want to live here? " Betty asked still with a shocked face " nothing like wants me to, and I can't say no to him. You know guys 4 years I have been  enduring his madness and now he is asking me to come, I cannot refuse" I shared my feelings " what about job ?" James again " I have given my resignation, after moving to LA will apply for job there.." I was  interrupted by my pager  I picked it out of the left pocket of my lab coat "guys there is an emergency I have to go " I grabbed my stethoscope and lab coat and ran towards casualty.


" it was one of the complicated surgery I have ever done " I told James going through case file of the patient " you have done a good job..keep it up" he praised my job" thanks James." then I looked at my watch " James its time to leave I have to pick up my kids from school..catch you later" I bid him bye and slipped through the door.


" my goodness, reached at correct time" I mumbled in myself after reaching school. Parents like me were waiting there for their kids, it was quite clear by that kids were still in.

Within few minutes bell started ringing and kids of same size as Bradley and Bryce appeared running towards there parents. Brad and Bryce were also coming towards me with wide smile on there faces. Seems day was good for them.

"" Both came screaming I knelt down in front of them with widely opened hands, they came into embrace. I helped both of them to sit in car properly and tied their seat belt started the car.

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