Acid Attack

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3rd Person/Nobody's Pov

 Shoto, Izuku, and Bakugou hid behind a corner of a small building, preparing to attack a villain. 

"Alright," Izuku said, quickly surveying the scene, "The villain seems to have a long-distance sort of spraying quirk, but we can't see much of his attacks due to the fog today, so let's use Todoroki's ice as a shield to get close and-" 

Izuku was cut off by a loud explosion. Bakugou rushed past him, using explosions to rocket himself forwards.

Izuku sighed, exasperated. "Why must Kacchan always charge straight in without listening.." he grumbled, eventually glancing at Shoto. "I guess we have to provide backup... let's follow him" he said a to Todoroki. Both waited a minute, and ran after Bakugou, who had disappeared in the fog. 

Bakugou's Pov

I rush towards the general direction of the villain, and dodge as some sort of green acid-like liquid flies past my shoulder. 

The fog clears a bit as I get closer, and I make out the shape of a person, who I assume is the villain we were sent to apprehend. Another spray of liquid shoots at me from the villain, this time hitting my left chest and splashing some parts of my legs, since I'm charging at the villain and unable to dodge. 

The attack hits my hero suit and rapidly disintegrates the cloth around the area it hits, but I spare no attention to this and keep my eyes on the villain. 

I scowl at the villain as I continue to blast towards him, preparing an explosion in my right hand. "Die!" I yell, pointing my hand at the villain, and release the explosion in his face.

Suddenly, my explosion stops. I look at my hand, confused. This has never happened before, what's going on? I wonder to myself, puzzled. I start to notice an odd warm sensation spreading through my body, centered around the areas of my skin now revealed by the disintegrated suit.

"What the hell?" I whisper to no one in particular, "What's.. going on?.." My muscles start to weaken, and I collapse on the floor, an unbearable heat growing by the second through my body. 

I hear a chuckle from the man above me, but I can only grimace on the ground, being too weak to even stand up. Dammit... I was careless.. I think as the man crouches down.

I brace myself, ready to be hit, captured, or something of the sort, but the villain does neither. Instead, he slides his hand over the spot on my chest where my suit had disintegrated earlier. he runs his fingers in circles around my chest, causing me to shudder. 

"Bastard..." I manage to make out, and try to say more, but stop when the villain stabs a syringe with some sort of sleeping drug in my neck, causing me to yelp. "Hmm.. Yes, you'll make an excellent specimen for my research.." the man whispers to himself, "Oh, It'll be so fun to dissect you!"

My eyes widen slightly with fear, and I attempt to push him away to no avail. The villain opens his palm, and I watch a drop of green acid fall onto the other side of my chest, dissolving my clothes once again.

Above me, the man smirks, and begins feeling around my body, which gets more sensitive each time he lets the green liquid drop onto my skin. I feel an erection growing, and try desperately to get away, kicking at the villain. 

The man notices this, and starts moving his hands down my body, feeling around my member, when suddenly...

The man is hit by something, and disappears from my vision. I hear a loud thud, and look up to see him slammed against the wall, appearing to be unconscious. Deku stands before the villain, and I watch Icy Hot run up to his side.

I try to say something, but my lips don't move. My vision slowly blurs, and the last thing I see is Deku reaching down towards me with a worried look on his face.

 Word Count: 635

Tempting Acid - tododekubaku (HEAVY SMUT/YAOI - bottom Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now