Berserker [3]

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A peaceful and calm night... That's what I wish I could say we had.

Saber: Master... master... master!

Y/N: Huh..?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I had blurry and watery vision from opening my eyes too fast and couldn't see much, but I heard a growling sound. I sat up to see why Saber was calling me.

Saber: Stay down!

Saber rolled off of the bed and pinned me back down to the ground. As she did, a big, furry black claw broke through the window I was lying under. If Saber didn't take me down, then that claw would've hit exactly where I was just sitting up at.

**What the hell is that?!**

Saber: Are you alright?

She got off of me and looked back at the claw.

Y/N: What is that thing, another Servant?

Saber: Yes. I am not sure how it found us, but you are inadequately trained for combat against Servants. You must flee.

On the one hand, I was terrified and had no idea what was going on. On the other hand, I didn't want to leave Saber there to fend off that monster alone. Sure, she was the King of legends, Arthur of Camelot, but in my eyes, she was still just any other girl. I couldn't leave her alone.

Y/N: I can't-

Saber: You must.

Y/N: Can I help you somehow-

Saber: Yes, by fleeing.

The claw swung across the window towards where we were. Saber somehow blocked the claw. It looked like she was wielding a blade, but it was almost invisible. I could slightly see the wind mana emanating off of it, but if I wasn't a mage then it would've been completely invisible to my eyes. Saber was knocked back against a wall as the claw pulled out of the window.

**This can't be real! This is more insane than any magic I've ever seen before!**

She looked over at me, but before she could speak, the entire wall got blown in. A large humanoid werewolf hybrid jumped through the window.

**She's focused on protecting me rather than beating her opponent. Maybe running is the best way for me to help her... At least then she wouldn't have to hold back.**

The reality of the situation hit me and I froze up in fear. The only thing standing between me and dying right now was Saber. I was frightened, but I knew I was capable of more than just running. I saw Saber as a companion rather than a servant, and I wanted us to be equals.

**If she was going to fight, so should I, right?**

Y/N: Ah-

I tried to speak, but my soul left my body when I took a good look at the wolf monster that was now in the room.

**It's horrifying. I can't move... I can't look away. What do I do?**

It pounced at me, but Saber jumped between us and stopped the attack with her invisible blade.

Saber: Do not freeze up, Y/N. This is not the place to become timid! I can not hold Berserker forever.

Y/N: Berserker?

**That's right... Saber said a Servant's identity was crucial to keep hidden. Berserker was their Class.**

Saber: Another servant. Master, flee from this area quickly, I will find you later. Be wary, there may be another master nearby.

Saber was struggling to hold a conversation with me and hold off the beast at the same time. I swallowed my pride and accepted how outclassed I was in this situation as I got up and made a run for the door.

Fate Solicitude (Artoria Pendragon x Reader) (Saber x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now