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Jisung was once again surprised to hear a knock on his door. However, he refused to answer. He lay in his bed, half-asleep. He hadn’t eaten anything for almost a week now, nor had he left his room. He was weak and tired and he didn’t have the energy to deal with any insults. The knocking only grew louder, and the longer he tried to ignore it, the more annoying it got. 

“Jesus, what is it?” He finally answered. 

“Open the door,” A voice said from the other side.

“No...why would I do that?”

“Because you haven’t left your room for six days.”

“I thought you would all be happy with that.” 

There was silence after Jisung said that, and eventually, the door was kicked open and Felix appeared on the other side. 

“What the hell?!” Jisung yelled, the sudden noise waking him up a little. 
He sat up and faced Felix. He looked horrible. He hadn’t showered or combed his hair. He hadn’t eaten and he was getting pretty skinny. He didn’t sound like himself either. His voice was quiet, low, and monotone. He seemed emotionless. If you looked closely, you could see he was constantly shaking. It never seemed to stop. 

“Sungie…” Felix started. 

“Don’t call me that,” Jisung muttered. “What do you want?”

“I want you to be ok. Look at yourself. Why are you acting like this?” Felix asked, sitting on the bed with him.

“That’s a really dumb question,” Jisung answered. “I’m tired. Leave me alone.”

“You’re just gonna go back into your depression if I leave.”

“It’s worse with you here,” Jisung shot back coldly. 

Felix was quiet for a while before nodding and standing. “Fine. I’ll leave you alone. Eat something, Ji. Please,” He said and with that he left, shutting the door behind him. The lock was now broken. 

Jisung sighed and fell back on his bed, his hands going over his face. He was now even more confused. Again, Felix had come to check on him. But why? Yes, there was the possibility that Felix really did care, but after hearing what Felix had said about him during the interview, he couldn’t accept that possibility. 

Is he doing it for his own morality? He asked himself. 

Jisung decided to go with that conclusion again, feeling it was the only reasonable option at the moment. There was no other reason Felix would be kind to him. He was just trying to make himself look better. 

Time passed and another day came. It had now been a week since Jisung had left his room. He wasn’t planning on eating anytime soon either. He was hungry, yeah. But he refused to risk the  members even hearing him. He lay in bed and let his thoughts wander. That was a bad idea. 

“Everyone says I’m the dramatic one, but when it comes to him whenever he’s around a lot of people he shakes and gets scared. He’s dramatic. Like jeez, calm down.”
“He doesn’t know when to quit. He’s so loud. He calls himself an introvert? Yeah right.”
“I don’t like him...he’s annoying and stupid and a brat. He should just stay away from me.”

Those words circled in his mind and he felt himself start to shake. He curled into a ball and rocked himself lightly. His breathing quickened and he groaned.

Stupid anxiety attacks… he thought to himself, trying to calm himself down.

The more he tried, the worse it got. He kept thinking about Hyunjin saying he was being dramatic. He couldn’t calm himself down. He felt like he would pass out. He put his hands over his ears and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to drown out the thoughts. He pulled on his hair and gasped for breath, it just got worse and worse as the seconds ticked by. He felt his mind slipping and the walls closing in on him. Eventually, he screamed. It was a piercing scream full of utmost terror and panic. 

Hehe this chapter has 666 words (:

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