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When Felix left the room Jisung was over the moon with the nicknames. he was absolutely losing his mind. Felix was finally coming around to him again. He was so excited.

but then a realization hit him. Minho.

Jisung opened his laptop and went to the files they had each been sent. he had access to his own answers to the interview they had so he could see what he had said. he opened the file for his answer to Felix. rather than one sounbyte like there was for all the other members, there were two for Felix. one he had let air and the other he did not. he opened the latter and watched it back, wanting to remember exactly what he had said.

"Felix? in all honesty...I love him. and not just in a best friend way. I love him a lot. I wish we could be like we were during our trainee days. I wish we had the relationship we had then. I remember when he was eliminated. I cried for days. and when Felix came back I was the first to hug and greet him. He makes me so happy...well, he did. I mean, he still does, dont get me wrong it's just hes not as nice to me as he used to be. I would do anything to be the way we were. we were the chaotic twins. he doesnt know it, but I love him more than the world. I know I'd never get the chance to be his boyfriend, but I'd do anything to be his best friend again."

he slammed the laptop shut, his eyes widened at what he had said. he had no idea he had talked for so long. how did Minho find out about it? if Minho found out that Felix was talking to him again, would he expose Jisung?

Jisung started to get anxious but slowly tried to calm himself down. Minho said he wouldnt do anything. he wouldnt lie like that, would he? and besides, how would they find out Felix was talking to him anyway? it would be fine.

Within a few hours, he heard the other members waking up. then the squeals of them wishing Felix a happy birthday. he lay down on his bed and turned around, about to go back to sleep before his door opened.

"Hyung, come eat breakfast with us!"

Jisung sat up and turned to see Jeongin smiling brightly at him.

"I dont think that's a good idea, Innie."

"Its fine! I'll fight them if the other members try to say something. besides, you deserve to have your birthday celebrated too!" Jeongin insisted.

"Alright then..." Jisung said, standing up.

"Hurry and get changed! we'll see you soon!" Jeongin said before leaving.

Jisung quickly changed into a simple yellow hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans and white airforces. He fixed his hair as well, not really brushing it but pushing the dark strands out of his face and making him look at least presentable rather than like he just crawled out of bed. when he walked out of his room, everyone stared at him. Jisung hadnt been out of his room since the interview except for when he literally had to leave.

Jisung rarely left during the day and interacted with the others. he only did so when he had to like when they had performances. seeing Jisung during a casual conversation like this was strange.

"Hyung!!" Jeongin said, not hiding that he liked Jisung anymore.

"Happy birthday, Ji!" Felix said.

"Its not my birthday anymore." Jisung said with a light laugh.

"Well, it was!" Felix said.

Jeongin and Felix walked over, taking each of Jisung's hands and pulling him to the group. Everyone else just stared at him awkwardly.

"Why did you bring him here? we dont want him." hyunjin was the first to say.

"Well I do." Jeongin said with a frown.

"Hes going to ruin the day with his moody attitude." Changbin added.

"Maybe he wouldn't be so moody of you guys werent so awful." felix said.

"Oh, what so you're his best friend again?" Chan asked.

"You shut it. I've lost all respect for you since that comment." Felix snapped at Chan.

"See, I told you I shouldve just stayed in my room. its fine guys, I'll go-" Jisung rambled, starting to walk away.

Felix grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "you're apart of this group too. I'm tired of isolating you. we are eight. not seven."

Jisung was quiet before just nodding and looking down. Felix kept his hand in Jisung's, squeezing it tightly. minho eyed their hands, raising an eyebrow at them and looking back up at Felix.

"Felix? in all honesty...I love him." minho muttered.

"What?" felix asked. "speak up I can't hear you."

"and not just in a best friend way. I love him a lot. I wish we could be like we were during our trainee days." Minho continued.

Jisung's eyes widened with realization "Hyung, stop it."

"I wish we had the relationship we had then. I remember when he was eliminated. I cried for days. and when Felix came back I was the first to hug and greet him." Minho continued further.

"Jisung was the first to hug me...Jisung, is he quoting you or something-?" Felix asked, letting go of Jisung's hand.

"Hyung please, stop." Jisung said again.

"I would do anything to be the way we were. we were the chaotic twins. he doesnt know it, but I love him more than the world."



"I know I'd never get the chance to be his boyfriend, but I'd do anything to be his best friend again."

There was silence in the room for a while before Minho just scoffed. "Happy birthday, Lix. From Jisung to you."

With that, Jisung turned around and walked away, shutting the door to his room, leaving a dumbfounded Felix surrounded by the other equally confused members of the group.

Just a Little Kindness || JiLix slow burnWhere stories live. Discover now