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“What was that-?” Jeongin asked. 

The members were all gathered in the dining room for breakfast. As they were eating and talking, they heard the ear-splitting scream. 

“It had to have been Jisung,” Minho answered, not seeming phased as he continued to eat. 

“Well, shouldn’t we go check on him?” Jeongin asked again. 

“Why bother?” Changbin responded, rolling his eyes. 

“All of you are horrible people. He could be fucking dead right now,” Felix spoke up. 

Jeongin tugged on Felix’s sweater and pouted slightly at him. “I wanna check on Jisung hyung.”

“Then we will. Come on, we’ll make sure he’s ok,” Felix said as he took Jeongin’s hand and walked out of the dining room and to Jisung’s room. 

Felix knocked on the door first, even though he could just walk right in now that the lock was broken. He got no response. Jeongin and Felix both knocked, but again no response. Felix just opened the door and walked in after three tries. They were faced with Jisung shaking violently in the corner of his bed, rocking himself with his hands pressed tightly against his ears. His hands were tangled in his hair and he was crying. 

“Jisung-” Felix started, about to go over to him before Jeongin grabbed his hand. 

“The members won’t be happy,” He reminded. 

“I know,” Felix said in response, pulling away from Jeongin’s grip and going over to Jisung. 

He helped Jisung untangle his fingers from his hair and he pulled his hands off his ears. “Hey, shh it’s ok.”

Jisung couldn’t respond, he was trembling and crying too much to form a proper word. Felix just stayed by his side, rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings to him. Jisung held Felix’s hand so tightly it turned red, but Felix didn’t mind. Jeongin just stayed and watched, shutting the door so the others couldn’t look into the room. After ten minutes, Jisung started to loosen his grip and calm down. He stopped shaking as much and his breathing evened out. He fell back onto his bed, panting slightly. “Why are you here?” He muttered. 

“Because we heard you scream,” Jeongin answered. 

“So?” Jisung asked, looking up at him. 

“We were worried,” Felix added. “Did I help?” 

“Yes...but I’m confused as to why you bothered.”

“I didn’t want to leave you to just freak out by yourself. What if you hurt yourself?” Felix said seriously. 

“Why would you care if I did?” Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow at the Australian boy. 

Felix simply sighed and nodded. He knew Jisung was right to have these doubts. It just kinda hurt to see Jisung be so cold with him. He knew he deserved it. He deserved every harsh word and tone that came out of Jisung’s mouth. But it didn’t change the fact that it hurt like a knife to the heart. Then, Felix made the worst decision he could've made at that moment. 

“Let’s just go, Jeongin. He’s right. We shouldn’t care about him. He’s useless. Just forget him. Maybe we should’ve let it get so bad he freaked out and stabbed himself. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with it.” 

Jeongin just stared at his hyung in disbelief. “B-but, hyung-” 

“No, no. Don’t worry about a pathetic waste of space like him. Let’s just go. He’s ok now, right? We don’t need to waste more time here,” Felix said, taking Jeongin’s hand and pulling the younger man out of the room. Jeongin tried his best to shut the door behind him, while he mouthed a small ‘I’m sorry” to Jisung before Felix dragged him away. 

Just a Little Kindness || JiLix slow burnWhere stories live. Discover now