chapter thirty three

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"Oh, sometimes love's intoxicating

Oh, you're coming down, your hands are shaking

When you realize, there's no one waiting"

THE SCRIPT - 'Nothing'

.                                   .                              .

Tommy put the entirety of the blame on Oliver.

Because only Oliver could piss off a really hot but notorious psychopath to the point that she'd essentially kidnap Tommy from his own club and then trap him in the basement downstairs. She didn't even have to hit him - one hand on his bicep and the other on the back of his neck, and she was pushing him into a chair. As if he was going to resist when she could probably kill him in less than a second.

"Whatever Oliver's done now, I'm not a part of it."

Helena's smile was deceptively pretty. "Oh," she sighed, settling against the table opposite the chair Tommy was sitting in, "I know all about your, uh, falling out. It must be difficult, finding out that someone you trust is lying to you."

And that was just bitchy, mentioning the one thing that Tommy had been trying to avoid thinking about since the awards ceremony so many months ago.

As if he didn't dream about that hospital conversation every night. As if he didn't feel the phantom fingers of Oliver's hands around his throat, even though he knew that Oliver would never lay a hand on him. As if he wasn't losing weight, losing energy, losing his goddamn fucking mind because Oliver was-was-

Tommy rolled his head to the side, lips kicking up into a lazy smile. "You know," he began, "You're really pretty and all, but I'm not really sure why you're making all this fuss over someone like Oliver. He doesn't care what you do. He only actually cares about, like, two people and neither of us are on that list."

Helena's expression shifted slightly, the playful flicker to her eyes freezing into a cold distance. "You know," she mocked viciously, "You're really nice and all, such a loyal best friend, but I'm not really sure why you're surprised that Oliver chose your sister over you."

Cali had nothing to do with this.

Except that she had everything to do with this.

Helena's sneer was ugly, angry. "That's right," she said when Tommy looked away, voice like liquid fire. "I know everything I need to know about your whole little group. About her. I know what happened during the attack on your father. I know about Cali's little tryst with her sleazeball ex. I know...." she trailed off, dropping to a whisper. "I know Oliver is the Hood."




It wasn't like Tommy thought she didn't know. Oliver kind of told everybody but Tommy - and besides that, it was well known that Helena had been the Hood's mysterious girl-piece nearly a year ago. That whole situation kind of indicated that she knew who he really was. Trying to make it a big reveal seemed kind of...stupid.

Some of this must have shown on his face, because Helena stopped leaning on the table, fury twisting up her pretty face as she reached her fingers out and settled them in Tommy's hair. Her touch was gentle, and in the absence of his usual gelled style, it was actually kind of nice.

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