Cloud and Jessie

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Jessie was the type of girl many believe had everything. She and her parents had benefits while her father worked in Shinra. Perky personality, she had been an actress, was great with machines.

In actuality, however, nothing could further from the truth.

Since childhood, she had always wanted to be an actress at a place called Gold Saucer. After so many years of school, she graduated from college and soon enough, she had a leading role. She had sent a letter to her parents with 2 tickets to her show.

Then, tragedy struck. Her father had overworked himself and was unconscious in the worst place anyone could lose consciousness in.

Mako Storage.

Her father was soon in stasis and was suffering from mako poisoning.

Since then, she put her mind to overdrive and began to study more about the planet and how it works. Her efforts eventually led her to seek Avalanche an eco-friendly organization with less than eco-friendly methods of spreading their message to Shinra and the world.

After years of working with Avalanche she and the group would eventually reunite with one of Tifa's old friends and crush.

Cloud Strife

He became a mercenary and was paid to go with them on the job. She knew little about him but she knew that deep down, he was really a caring man.

She later learned from Tifa that he was a SOLDIER, but he was revealed to be suffering from cellular degradation due to the mako in his body poisoning him.

Regardless of that, he had rescued her as well as Tifa and Aerith many times over. Throwing himself into danger more times than any of them can count. Eventually she harbored feelings for the Merc along with Tifa and Aerith.

They planned things to get with Cloud. But it was on Christmas that she and the other girls had won him over. He told them how he felt sometimes. They couldn't handle it, especially when he said somethings that truly frightened them. They hugged him hard not wanting to let go of him and from that point, she, Tifa, and Aerith all experienced what, to them, was the most magical thing ever.

Having the chance to marry and fuck Cloud all in a single night.

And the three of them were damn well proud of it.

The next day, Cloud's wives, Tifa, Aerith and Jessie, woke up as the all looked to see the still sleeping Cloud and smiled as they saw that he was drooling slightly.


The three girls all looked at each other, then Cloud, then back at each other again and smiled wickedly as the knew how to wake Cloud up.

Jessie, Tifa and Aerith began to rub their hands all over his chest and abs causing him to groan lightly at their touch while the girls felt themselves already losing to lust as Jessie began to suckle on Cloud's left earlobe while Tifa suckled on his right and Aerith dragged her tongue across his abs.

Cloud: Jeez, you three. You just can't help yourselves, can you?

Jessie: How can we, sweet thing? You are spectacular!

Cloud: So they say and so I've heard.

Tifa: Cloud, you belong to us and we belong to you. We are married after all and pregnant with you kids. Hehehe.

Aerith: And we want more children in the future, so rise up, our dear husband. We are going to put you through intense sessions.

Jessie: Don't forget. I owed you a pizza, so you better come with me to the Sector 7 overcity. I have to introduce you to my parents after all. Formally.

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