Valentine's Day Dancin'

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(Takes place after the "Cloud and Jessie story, which takes place on New Year's, but takes place WAY before them giving birth.)

It was Valentine's Day and everyone was cheerful about the festive occasion of love. Well, everyone except the single guys who were desperate peeving on girls and being rejected.

Cloud was currently training with Vincent and Cid as Cloud was blocking rifle shots from Vincent as Cid used threw his spear at Cloud and ran at the ex SOLDIER and threw several punches at Cloud, who dodged them. He quickly grabbed his spear and blocked Cloud's attack as they both moved out of the way when Vincent lanced himself at them, causing a min crater to form. Cid was breathing heavily while Cloud and Vincent were hardly out of breath.

Cid: Goddamn, I'm tired! You fucking assholes sure have a lot of power.

Vincent: I will outlive every single one of you, including my beloved Lucrecia, sadly. The one with the second longest lifespan being Red XIII.

Cloud: Speaking of which, what are you gentlemen planning to do for Valentine's Day?

Vincent: I am planning to go o-o-on a d-date with Lucrecia. To atone for my sins. A verbal apology is not sufficient enough for me. With my immortality, I need to do something for her. To show her my love, knowing that one day she unite with the planet once more. To show her that I will be there for her. To make up for the time we had lost together.

Cloud: You are an immortal man of many words, Vincent. I'm sure Lucrecia will find that date to be incredible. You, Cid? What are you planning.

Cloud, Cid and Vincent all sat down on stones in Scrap Boulevard as Cid took a deep breath and spoke.

Cid: I've been hard on Shera. My sour attitude of not going into space had caused me to lash out at her violently, possibly emotionally damaging her. She didn't do anything wrong. She wanted to make sure everything was in their rightful working condition, but my hubris nearly got her killed. I hesitated when I had to choose Shera or the mission. I didn't want Shera's blood on my hands. She looked up to me as did many in my crew. I want to make it up to her somehow. Heard that the Gold Saucer was open again. Maybe I'll take her there.

Cloud: Cid, I would not recommend it. The currency system is whack. But at least they gave us a buggy.

Vincent: That Barrett destroyed.

Cloud: I recommend going topside of Midgar. There are 5 topside sectors you can visit. Go watch "Loveless", go to a fancy dinner. Show her how to fight or something, I don't know.

Cid: Hubba, hubba, hubba! My mind is hurting.

Vincent: Well what about you, Cloud?

Cloud looked at Vincent with a face of confusion.

Cloud: What about me?

Cid: He's talking about what YOU are plannin' on doin' for Valentine's Day, kid. So, what exactly is YOUR plan? All of know you're married to Tifa, Aerith and Jessie. And I'm guessing you want to spice things up, eh?

Cid gave a sinister chuckle while Vincent smirked as Cloud rolled his eyes at his comrades' antics.

Cloud: I guess this is the end of the training for us then.

Vincent: I believe it is. Now if you excuse me, I must prepare for our night out. I told Lucrecia I would not be late for our date.

Cid: I still gotta figure out what to do for Shera and I.

Cloud: There's not a lot of things you can do around here. Damn, looks light the Gold Saucer might be the best place to go after all.

Cid: I somehow figured as much. But thanks for the advice, kid. Now I know several more places besides Gold Saucer to take her to.

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