Chapter Seven

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This chapter is dedicated to xXxRainbowDudexXx

thanks for the help with this chapter :) 


Amara’s POV:

It’s been a week since we ran away from daddy and it’s been 5 days since we were found.

*Flash Back*

“We need to go hunt but I want you to stay here Amara okay” Jason says to me.

“But I want to go too” I whine.

“Sis we need you to stay and keep the fire hot because it’s going to be cold again tonight” Jacob says hugging me.

“Fine but don’t be gone to long I don’t like being out here by myself” I whimper. I don’t want daddy to find me alone.

“We won’t we promise” they say kissing my cheeks and leaving.

After they leave I sit next to the fire adding twigs and things every once in a while. As I place another twig into the fire I hear a noise outside of the cave. I jump up and sneak toward the front of the cave to have a look but I stay in the shadows so I stay hidden. I look out of my hiding spot to see a group of 5 people searching for something. As I look at them one of them catches my eye and he is looking right at me. I turn and run deeper into the cave and into a little crevice we found and designated as out hiding spot.

“It’s okay to come out we aren’t going to hurt you I promise. We were actually sent to find you” one of the ladies says.

“How do I know my daddy didn’t send you” I ask shrinking back as far as I can.

“Because we are Angel’s and we don’t know your daddy” said the other lady.

“Okay” I say coming out of my hiding spot.

“Oh my god she is just a baby” one of the guys says now.

“I’m not a baby I am 3 ½ years old” I tell them putting my hands on my hips. Just as one of the people goes to say something we hear growling. “Jacob, Jason” I scream running to the white wolf with black paws, black tips on his ear and tail and the black wolf with white paws and white tips on his ears and tail.

“Sweetie get away from those wolves” one of the guys says before a large rock blocks my path.

“NO those are my brothers” I scream. I concentrate like mommy taught me and the rock shatters and I quickly close the distance between my brothers and I. “Can you please shift back” I ask them. Nodding they go behind the rock they had their clothes stored. As they walk back to me they glare at the group of 5.

“Why don’t we all sit down so we can explain a few things” the biggest guy in the group says. We all walked over to the fire and sat down with Jacob, me, and Jason on one side and the others across from us.

“Who are you and what do you want” Jason asked still glaring at them.

“Well first of all we are part of a secret group called HOPE. We are the ones who are sent to help people, packs, and clans when they can’t handle it themselves especially when it comes to fighting demons. I am Jordan” said the biggest one he had blonde hair and blue yes. “That is Michelle” he said pointing to the lady with brown curly hair and hazel eyes.

“I’m Haley” says a pretty lady with black hair and brown eyes.

“I am Brett” says a guy with red hair and green eyes.

“And I am the best which is why I was saved for last. I am Justin” says the funny man with black hair and green eyes.

“I am Amara and these are my brothers Jacob and Jason” I say with a little smile.

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