𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘶𝘱 [25]

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 "Sorry!" Bella quickly apologizes as she almost flies into a woman. The two teens were using their flying ability to get to the Maximoff twins. She could hear the commands of Clint, Natasha, and Steve through her earpiece as they communicated. The girl had informed them that she was about to bring in backups, not telling them who, knowing they weren't a big fan of the three other teens.

"I got eyes on them," Zeke points to a stand where, sure enough, the two siblings stood. Both of the flying teenagers make their way to them. The siblings notice them, walking towards them.

Bella lands first, Zeke following soon after. The young Avenger takes notice of their body language, and they were about to apologize. She was quick to stop them. "No need for apologies. I get it, you're mad at Tony, I get it. But right now, we need to find Cap. He's holding off Ultron on his own right now."

Noticing the urgency in her tone, they all take off in the direction everyone was running from. It was one thing Bella had learned since being part of the Avengers—the danger is where everyone is running away from.

The group speed through the streets, eyes on the lookout for Captain America. Bella sees a train speeding by with the passengers scuffling to one corner. Her eyes float to the other side of it and points, "found them."

Flying into the train, Bella blasts Ultron away from Steve helping him. "You good there, gramps?"

"Bella, now's not the time for jokes," Steve's stern voice makes Bella back off.

Ultron turns back to blast Bella but is shoved aside by a flash of light. The young Avenger knew exactly who it was, and grinned up at Steve, "I brought a few friends that could help. Don't try to kill them."

Ultron moves towards the now visible Pietro but freezes as a familiar green fog prevents him from doing so. Wanda bends the rails in front of him, taking the attention off of Pietro. The giant robot turns around to face Zeke and Wanda. His red eyes looked directly at them, "please, don't do this."

"What choice do we have?" Wanda's voice comes out in a thick accent that Bella found adorable.

Ultron thinks quickly, turning around blasting a burning hot laser at Bella and Pietro. Pietro shoves Bella to the side with him to avoid being shot.

A bright light blinds the passengers on the train momentarily and Ultron takes that as a means to escape. Pietro and Bella both rush to their feet as Steve hops over the bent rails, heading to the captain's area, and yells into the earpiece, "I lost him! He's headed your way!"

Bella stumbles back, feeling a slight tingling at her hip. She looks down and groans. In all its glory, the fabric at her side was sliced and the skin beneath it bleeding and slightly burned. The adrenaline from the fight was still kicking in full speed so she still had yet to feel the pain, but she still felt weird.

Thankfully, no one noticed her injury.

Subtly, Bella shifts her belt so that the wound is covered by the gun that Natasha had given her for safekeeping. This made the wound completely hidden... to most people.

The girl looks up and sees Zeke's worried eyes looking at her gun and back up to her. She presses a finger to her lip, signaling him to keep quiet. He hesitantly nods and looks away.

The train shakes violently as it keeps going past the rails, now speeding through a construction site. Steve looks back and points to Pietro, "Civilians in our path." Pietro zooms off as Captain orders Zeke, "freeze anyone who looks like they are about to walk into the path." Zeke flies out of the train. "Bella, you shield any debris coming into the train." Bella nods, running to the front of the train, trying her best to hide the limp. She could feel herself healing, but it still hurt.

Bella holds out her arms, a gray forcefield forming in front of the destroyed front of the train. She could see Zeke and Pietro moving civilians, but also a giant brick wall getting closer and closer.

Strengthening the forcefield, Bella braces herself for impact, her feet getting a good grip on the floor and her arms flexing.

In no time, the bricks crumble and bounce onto the shield. Bella's arms strain as the force of the wall slowly ends, but out of nowhere, a giant weight slams through the window.

She slides back a little, but her shield stays put.

The train finally seems to come to a stop after a long five minutes.

Bella lets go of the forcefield, panting as she turns to face Cap and Wanda. Looking at the Maximoff girl, Bella sends a weak smile, "good job."

The girl smiles and nods, rushing to her brother. Many civilians help the passengers onto the road. Steve strides off the train towards the three teens. Bella lets out a groan, of course, he wasn't going to be nice.

"I just need to take a minute," Pietro pants as the two Avengers get into earshot. Bella struggles to keep up with the super-soldier's long strides.

"Be nice-"

"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Steve grabs the attention of the trio.

Bella quickly adds, "sorry 'bout him. He gets cranky when he doesn't get his naps. Old age and all."

"The Cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asks the two superheroes.

"Stark will take care of it," Captain America says.

Bella tenses, "not a smart move bringing him up, Steve."

Wanda backs up slightly, "no, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Steve says after a moment, "Stark's not crazy."

"Eh, I could argue with that," Zeke chimes in, crossing his arms as he leans against a brick wall. Bella looks at him, eyes telling him to shut up. He throws his hands up in surrender, though a smirk grew on his face.

"He will do anything to make things right," Wanda's lips tugs to a frown. Bella begins to figure out what Wanda was saying. What if Stark decided to put JARVIS into the body? It sounded like a very Tony idea.

Bella presses her earpiece, "Mr. Stark, you there?"


"Mr. Staaark? Tony? That felt weird to say. Iron Man? FE man?"

He was definitely up to something. There was no way he was ignoring them if he wasn't. The girl looks at the group, "we have a problem."

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"

Steve and Bella share a look. They knew what they had to do.

"I call shotgun," Bella mutters, rubbing her temple.


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