𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 [27]

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The teen runs into a small, empty alleyway so she could fly off without grabbing anyone's attention. The wind blows on her face and hair as she maneuvers herself to narrowly escape buildings and clothing lines.

Once she was close enough, Bella landed on one of the rooftops. As much as she loved the coat she was wearing, it was too hot to fight in. Untying the small bow on the front, Bella drops it, revealing her Gray suit.

Through her earpiece, Steve's voice came out, "Body armor. AR-15s. I make ten hostiles."

Running for a head start, Bella jumps off the building and flies to the now destroyed entrance of the Institute For Infectious Diseases. Her eyes land on two people aiming their guns at the building.

Landing stealthily behind them, Bella's gray mist surrounds them, lifting them high off the air and slamming them together. Both lose consciousness at the impact. She drops them, not bothering to be gentle about it.

"I make 8," Bella says into her earpiece, jogging closer to the building. Someone goes to swing at her with a baton from the corner of her eye, but she was quick to dodge it.

She grabs the armored man's wrist, twisting it fast in an unnatural direction, most definitely breaking it. He lets out a large howl, falling to his knees.

The teen knees the man in the face, breaking off his helmet. She knees him again, this time rendering him unconscious.

"I take that back, I make 7," Bella informs, grabbing the man's baton. It could come in handy.

Sam arrives at the rooftop, knocking two men out with his wings, "I make five."

Wanda floats in front of Sam, surrounding herself in a red cloud of her magic. Over the year, the girl had gotten more used to her powers and less afraid of them–thanks to the constant reassurance of Bella and Zeke.

Gracefully moving her hands, Wanda's red cloud wraps itself around one of the men, keeping him frozen in his place, "Sam."

The Falcon doesn't waste time to fly towards the bad guy, knocking him out with a kick, "Rumlow is on the third floor, red wing is trying to track Vito."

"I still can't believe my father's name is Vito," Bella scoffs, "it's ironic." Vita meant life in german, but this guy was far from life, when Bella gets her hands on him, he definitely won't be.

Steve jogs over to the building, "Wanda, just like we practiced."

"What about the gas?" Wanda asks.

Bella notices someone from her peripheral vision, another bad guy. Not sparing him a glance, the teen sets him on fire, earning loud walling and cries. The Avengers ignore it as Wanda boosts Steve into the third floor of the building. The crying eventually stops, much to the Avengers' relief, it was getting annoying.

"Vito is on the first floor," Sam informs the team, mainly looking at Bella.

"I call dibs," Bella says, sprinting into the building. It was time to get rid of her past, once and for all.

Running into the building, the girl frowns at all the unconscious civilians laying on the ground. Some dead, some knocked out by the gas. Thankfully, Bella's fast metabolism reduces the effects of the gas bombs, making things much easier.

The numbers of casualties probably mean nothing to you as long as you're painted as the hero. Bella heard Logan's voice say. Snap out of it, Bella, she thought to herself. 

"Don't kill him, Bella," Steve says sternly through the earpiece, "we need information from him."

Bella scoffs, "yeah, yeah, but when he gives us the answers, I'm sending him six feet under and no one is stopping me."

"Bella, the farthest room to the left," Sam tells the girl, giving the enemy's whereabouts.

"Thanks, Samantha," Bella says, running through the debris and people. Her eyes land on the door.

Just as her hand touched the doorknob, Steve's voice echoed through her ear, "They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them had the payload."

"Steven, please speak english. I have no clue what you just said," Bella grumbles, opening the door, her hands ready to block any hits.

Bella hears Steve sigh, "Just find Vito, Bel."

A small gravelly chuckle enters her earshot, Bella slams them against the wall, her gray cloudy magic wrapping around their throat. A small wheeze leaves their lips as the teen turns to them.

"You look... much uglier than the last time I saw you," Bella snickers, tilting her head with a smirk.

With his feet dangling off the ground, Vito hung by Bella's magic, his face turning red from the lack of oxygen he was receiving. His skin was burnt, scars littering his face and body. The man also had no hair, probably because Bella burned it off the last time she saw him.

"Unfortunately, I can't exactly kill you right now. But, the second I can, nothing can stop me. No matter how fast you run, I'll always be one step ahead of you," a menacing glint flashing in Bella's eyes, before it drops to a more unamused one, "okay, now that that's been cleared up, night night."

Vito falls limp, unconscious from the lack of air he had received. Pressing her earpiece, Bella says too gleefully, "I got Vito, he's knocked out but nothing too serious. What do I do with him?"

"Take him to the quinjet, stay there, just in case he wakes up," Steve orders.

"Got it."

Bella lifts Vito up with her magic and hurries out of the building. She blasts off the ground flying towards the quinjet, Vito's body following closely behind.

Arriving at the quinjet, the door opens and Bella carelessly tosses the man into the jet.

As she is about to enter, a loud boom captures her attention. Bella's head snaps towards the building where she was just at and freezes.

In large clouds of debris and smoke, she could make out fire. Something had exploded, and the innocent civilians had, yet again, been caught in between the Avengers and their enemies.


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