Libby's Holocaust Horror

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Ah History. For Libby, it was one of her FAVORITE classes. She had a great memory when it came to History. She had tried to hide it from Molly, but there were a few geeky little freakouts that slipped through. Of course, Molly didn't mind.


But there was ONE thing about History that Libby did not like. A topic most likely hated by all people, Jews especially. Even people of other religious backgrounds. A topic that made her quite literally sick to the stomach. A topic that horrified and terrified her. A topic that had given her countless nightmares and sleepless nights. What is this topic? Well, I'm sure you can guess.

The infamous Holocaust.

Libby and Molly's History class had been learning about WWII, and all of its horrors. Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Anne Frank's diary, and of course, the Holocaust.

Libby knew the dreaded day would come when they had to learn about it. Molly, already aware of it, checked on her bestie, before the next period.

"Libby, you sure you're ok? I'll hold your hand through it if you want."

"No, I'm ok Mol, I'll manage. I always do." Libby replied with melancholy

"You know, you're allowed to step out if you want." Molly reminded

"I know. But I'm choosing not to. I'll have to know for work anyway."

"Well, just know me and Scratch will be right here with you the whole time."

"Yeah Libster! I'll protect you from those dumb old Nazis!" said Scratch trying to look tough

"Thanks to you too Scratch. But really, I'm fine."

The bell rings.

"Well, we better get going Molly. Come on guys." said Libby

Scratch looked worryingly at Molly.

"We uh, sure Libby's OK? I mean, I'm literally not kidding when I say even some of the toughest ghosts despise this thing!" said Scratch

"I feel ya Scratch. But, if Libby says she's ok with it, she probably is."

"I hope so."

In class, to alleviate the dark tone, the teacher turned on a BrainPop.

Of course, Not even Tim and Moby could help much.

Libby, was sick.

It didn't matter that the video was tame, it still affected her. The teacher turned the lights back on, and Molly and Scratch noticed how pale Libby was.

"Libby, are you ok?" asked Molly

"Yeah, you look almost as pale as me!" added Scratch

Libby tasted salty saliva in her mouth, followed by the feeling of her lunch slowly but surely making its way upwards. Before Libby could really react, she held her mouth, and threw up to the side of her desk, while coughing and gagging.

The teacher rushed over as quick as he could with a trashcan, as Libby continued. Molly got up, and began to gently pat Libby on the back.

"It's ok Libby, let it all out. You'll feel much better. "

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