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Author's Note: I actually wrote the last 2 parts and this part all in the same night, from 12am to just after 1am lol. Again, thank you for reading this story! It means the world that even 1 person has chosen to read it. My 3rd story is already in the works, so please check that out as well! Andddddd the title is already in place for my 4th, ideas brewing ;) PSA: This is probably going to be a Loki POV account, so hope you do not mind lol.

*4 years later in Arizona*

"Loki, come ON! They are going to be here any minute!" you call from the kitchen as you finish preparing a plate of snacks.

Loki walks into the kitchen, dragging his feet, "Remind me once again why we invited everyone here, where it is nice and quiet?"

You put down the last plate and return to the kitchen where Loki is, "Because they're our friends, Loki. And, we have not seen them in a while."

"And the problem with that would be...." Loki trails off.

You turn back to him after putting something into a cabinet, "Not the time, peasant."

Loki grins at you, as the sound of running comes down the hall.

"Are they here yet?!" Your son runs up to Loki, who picks him up. He's got Loki's eye color and hair that is a dark brown.

"Not yet, Riggo," Loki ruffles his hair.

Just as he finishes speaking, car doors are heard closing outside, "Oh good. Nevermind, they are here."

Riggo wiggles his way from Loki's arms, as you give Loki a look for his sarcasm, which only makes him laugh.

Riggo throws open the door, running into Thor's arms, "UNCLE OAF!"

You and Loki follow closely outside, and Loki grins at his son's greeting to Thor.

"Hello, nephew!" Thor lifts him into the air, throwing him up and easily catching him.

"I got you a present!" Riggo says excitedly, as he takes a fake dagger from his pocket and pokes it at Thor in the stomach.

Thor pretends to be hurt, causing Riggo to jump down and go greet Tony and everyone else.

"I have never been more proud," Loki places his hand on his chest.

You roll your eyes and begin to greet everyone as well.

Nat hugs you and then holds you at arms length for a few seconds, studying you, "...Have you told Loki?"

Your eyes go wide, "I...how on Earth did you...?"

"Please, honey; I know all," Nat pulls you back into a hug and whispers to you. "Congratulations!"

Everyone sits down for dinner, and after, you grab Loki leading him to Riggo's room.

"Everything ok, darling?" Loki asks from the doorway.

"I think Riggo needs a change of clothes. Can you grab it? It's on his bed," you nod towards it.

Loki looks at you strangely, but then walks over to the bed. He goes to pick-up the shirt, but then pauses to read it.

After he does a triple take, he finally lifts it from the bed, "Y/N, this says...."

You smile, biting your top lip. Loki holds-up the shirt to read it once more, but then turns it to you, "Big Brother" is printed across.

You nod once and Loki throws his arms around you, "Heavens I love you!"

"Well, now you'll have 3 of us to love," you smile when Loki puts you down.

"Gladly!" Loki lifts your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, and presses his lips to yours.

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