(1) meet the Marculas

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Mateo Marcula

A strange teenager

The last month of school... And already got into trouble.... Let's start over...


I yawn as I'm in the back of the class... Im sitting while the kid in front of me gets up an leaves his phone...

I walk to the teachers deal to hand in a paper... She nods and I walk back sliding the phone to the edge of the Desk...

I see the fire alarm... I stare at it... Then...

It goes off


AGE 16

POWER: Mateo is a Trans boy.. He has the ability to move things with his mind as well as copy others talents! He got these from his great grate grandmother who did witchcraft and set powers on the family! She eventually died from poisoning.

His family is born with the power..

His father has a Teleporting power and a fire power his sibling both have a super jump power and a stretching power...

But that's not the secret... He's cursed...


We all walk out and some run out... I snatch the phone and shove it into my back pocket under my grey Pancho... Time passes I'm in line next to a boy with curly hair and a yellow Pancho..  His skin is a little lighter then mine. I look away and we start walking inside... I Snatch a few more phones and put them into my small bag..

The school day ends And I walk down the road... I pull out the phones and shut them off.. And shoves them into my bag... I walk to my house...

" I'm home!" I say

" what did you get?!" I hear my father yell at me

Carlos Marcula

I pull out my bag and hand Him the phones...

" There's 8! Last time you got 26!" he yells

" I was busy and lots of Tests so I had to wait and cause a distraction!" I say

He grabs my shirt and pulls me close...

" Listen... You need to grab more or you're out of here! For 2 days!" he says

An Alcoholic smell comes off him... I  look at him... He drops me and I stumble back. He pulls out a cigarette and he lights it..

" yes sir.." I say walking away to my room...

" Mariposa! go pick up your sister and brother in 2 hours!"he says

Mariposa... Is my actual Name...

" Yes sir" I say

{ 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝? } 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐱 𝐎𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now