chapter one

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Hiya guys this is the first chapter and I want to dedicate this chapter to@ladydianna01 since she has been an inspiration to me after reading all of her books and given me a boost of confidence in writing this one shot, so thank you and I hope she read a this her self and all you lot better check out her books they are amazing! Xx

Chapter one:

I smiled at my self when the mist of pride had taken me to many places, my own role as this had me standing in the middle of the stage with a rather nervous but steady smile on my face. I could already feel the sweat glistening on my face as my luscious body moves around the stage, thankful for those dance classes we did last week, it worked well with my muscles since I have a males swimmers body and I now feel glad that I exercise everyday.

My arms and legs move seductively as I listen to the music, the room suddenly began to crowd as they watch me and the others around me, the other exotic dancers grinned at me, showing how they know that I'm good at this. I gasp a little when I felt a hand tuck something inside my leather pants underneath, I glance down and see money and I grin at the person who put it there. It was a male, maybe in his late forties, small wrinkles near his chocolate eyes, fairly light skin and shiny matted hair.

"Thanks Darlin, would you like it if I did this?" I bend down so my hands touch the floor and my legs strait with my firm ass close to him, I look at him upside down and practically see his mouth watering and rewarded with a twenty between my pants.

I Give him a wink before I discard and dance around the stage, I suddenly felt glad that my best friend asked if I could do this job for tonight and truth to be told, I'm kind of enjoying this. Money is good which helps but I think entertaining people like this made me

Eruption of people asked for another dance was for me when the song ended and when I was about to leave, I give the manager behind the curtains a questioning look and in response he shakes his head and with that I saunter off the stage and leave the men and women standing and wanting more out off me. Rushing off the stage, I feel the managers small hand clasp my shoulder before giving me a tight smile.

"You did great out there, no wonder Justin asked you to do his shift tonight, your an expert at this!" the manager was a big built, maybe a little bigger and wide shoulders that made me coward away but it's his smile and personality that calmed me.

"Thank you sir, that means a lot and I'm hoping at some point that I need to speak with you in private."

"Of course, how about we take this in my office tonight and discuss then but in the mean time, go show off that figure of yours." I felt him grin at me before walking away with a wink.

I freshen up in the changing rooms, a cold bottle of water and some fresh spray made me feel clean again. I give myself a quick glance and see my short hair in a sexy mess, my defined muscles move as I lean down to check my face. I had a rather pale complexion and hell! Maybe that's why they loved me so much out there! My hazel eyes were almost a caramel colour and rather large in fact. This was my first try and I enjoyed it so much that I am going to ask the manager if I could maybe get a job here, like I said before, it could be fun working here.

Running a hand through my short hair, I take a deep breath before I go back out there, the air was a little thicker since more people were out there...but there was a little secret some people don't know about, this was no normal strip club, but a rather fancy and elegant BDSM club, I was surprised myself when Justin told me this. But what surprised me even more was that he knew about my secret, just even thinking about it made squirm on the spot I was walking in. It has always been my fantasy to endure BDSM, me as the submission and the other as the dominant, but I never allowed a women nor man to lay a hand on me, I was too scared to even hold and hug my own parents.

I have always thought that being gay was hard for people and it is, I have never kissed or touched another man and I wouldn't like to either, I'm not homophobic or anything it just that I would prefer women and to be truthful, I'm a full blown, strait virgin and I'm not afraid to admit this. I saw one of the staff members smile at me, her ginger red hair had me grinning at her before she leaned into whisper rather closely in my ear.

"Hiya doll, manager says to roam around while other take the stage for a while." her voice was light but I couldn't tell the colour of her eyes when I moved back.

"Thanks, make sure you save some time for me to buy you a drink, Darlin." I give a sweet kiss on her freckled, soft cheek before reporting around the bar. The seat felt cool on my ass cheek and I sign rather loudly underneath my hand, my elbows leaning on the bar side.

"What can I get you sunshine?" I flinch a little when I see the bartender watch me as he wiped down the surface next to me. A man, late twenties with a small black Mohawk had made me shrink in my seat a little. His eyes hooded by black, round sunglasses, a lip ring on his upper lip made him have a more Gothic look.

"Didn't mean to scare you there." his voice was light and delicate. He was rather built big and tall, making me feel even more timid and scared.

" worry's." I mumbled before looking down, the music was breathing around me as well as some groans in the back rooms, even hearing and knowing what there doing in the back rooms made me feel flushed and on edge.

"Don't worry about the ones in the back, you will get used to it once in a while. So, drink?" he points at the empty glass he was holding onto.

"Coke please." I whispered before handing him two dollars but he simply declined.

"Its on the house and one coke coming up." he grinned before placing the glass underneath the coke tap. Confused and stunned, I put back the money inside the zip of my pants. Taking a rather large sip of the cold drink and moaning in delight, the flashing lights around me made blink a couple of times before my vision once again cleared.

"Too much?" the bartender asked before he began to serve other people, but still watch me.

"Just a little." I smiled before glancing around the room, I could see the sexy red head dancing and rubbing her large breasts in her hands for the men and women. She sees me watching her and gives me a wink before she returns to dance around the stage.

"She's great, isn't she?" the bartender said behind me before the couple on the side next to me retreats.

"Yeah, I wonder who she is?" I said before returning to sip my drink, I frown and stop midway when I hear him chuckle, I could see his white smile made him look younger then he actually is.

"What's so funny?" I asked before watching him move around in his tight black shirt, He finely stop chuckling the points at his hand.

"She's my wife." my mouth hawks open but before I could even say anything, he stops me.

"No need to worry, I saw the kiss you gave her and funnily enough to say, were In a open relationship." what!..I suddenly felt guilty about kissing her on the cheek.

"But to be truthful, I enjoyed watching you kissing her like that, maybe some time you could join us in the back room some time?" I suddenly gulp down but keep my guard up...I know what these type of people are like and it didn't scare me one bit.

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