chapter six

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Hiya peeps, so this is the last chapter and I do hope u enjoy it and I also hope that you read my new up coming boyXboy books filled with lots and lots and sexy stuff ;) x

I also want to thank you all for reading and waiting for the chapters it means a lot , love you all3! So going to miss Caleb and Leo's characters after this ;) love u all and enjoy!

Chapter six: Leo's P.O.V

Everything in life felt right, the blissfully moment of time and space clasped together, nothing could rip them apart...not even death itself. But everything must die at some point, I just never wanted this kiss to felt too perfect to be real but it was.

Caleb's lips moved with mine that's all I could do was move my lips with his, the tingle running through my veins, my heart beating so fast that I couldn't even think right. He orders me to open my mouth and I do, our tongues softly at first but we fight for dominance, but I lost, making him groan loudly. My pelvis grinding against his, brushing my shaft against his rough jeans, my sensations heightening as his touch made me feel alive. He sits up so he could remove his t-shirt, making me see him flex his muscles. My mouth gapes open as his nicely tanned and toned abs move, as if they were alive.

Pushing my confidence, I rake my nails down his chest, seeing him shiver at my response, I smile with mischief when scratch marks began to rise on his heated skin, I wanted to mark him everywhere, from every inch of his skin on mine. Oh God, he's turning me into a horny devil here...or is he the devil? He suddenly rises, taking me with him, I was about to ask what he was doing but he pressed a finger against my pouting lips, shushing me.

"Don't worry pet, I just want you to strip me of my clothes." his hungry voice had me at cloud nine! My pink cheeks and flushed state had me wide awake and conscious of what was going on. The cold breeze in the room cooled my heated skin, my fingers felt numb and shaking as I Neal down before him. His eyes filled with lust and excitement, I've never seen him so turned on before, I glanced down at his bulge and practicality see it twitch. I lift his foot on my hand so I could remove his boots and socks and seeing his masculine foot wiggle at my touch, a chuckle erupts him as I trail my fingertips underneath his padded foot. He wiggled out of my touch then glance up to his handsome face, a grin smothered on his lips.

"Don't, I'm ticklish." he smiles, showing his teeth, which I in return I smile back up at him. Running my shaking hands up his legs, giving them a light squeeze before he flexed them hard. Reaching up to find his leather belt and zipped, I bite my lower lip as I luxuriously pull the zipped down, not taking my eyes off his grey ones. I take a couscous breath and held my tongue between my lips as I remove his jeans and underwear. My wet mouth drops open when his flushed dick spring closely to me, his mushroomed tip had my mouth water for a taste, I wonder what he tasted like? I flutter my eye lashes up at him, earning me a groan and grasping his leaking shaft in his hand.

"Let me feed you Leo, I can see the curiosity in your eyes." I lick my lips, leaning into his body, my hands resting on his tanned hair dusted thighs, they felt so smooth and warm against my touch.

"Open wide baby." he growled before I popped my mouth open, he guides his smooth tip around my lips, coating them with his pre-Cum, I moaned with delight as he told me to lick my lips. His flavours were almost like a fantasy, almost not real, along with saltiness and sweet intoxication. I moan when his tip dragged along my tongue, into my parted lips but I held my breath, he kept pushing in and in until I was choking with his cock rubbing at the back of my throat.

"Ahh!...your mouth feels so warm..and I haven't even pushed half of it in." I swallow his cock deeper, already feeling more pre-cum, his hands softly tangling into my hair. He pulls out fully so I could breath, my eyes watering slightly from the fullness.

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