chapter four

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Hi beautys!! Sorry for not uploading but I am glad to say that I have hit more than 1k in five days!# wow# Xx thank u all and I hope you will follow the journey with my other books once they a completed Xx

I want to dedicated this chapter to MelonDiaries <<< she has created such dreamy books and thankful that I made this a count and came across this book Xx thank u !! X

Chapter four:

The sight before me was not what I imagine, in fact; it did the opposite of what I was feeling....disappointment and sickness. I felt the nerves run through my stomach as Caleb still pulled me along the room...why was he in such a rush and why did he bring me in here!? Musky moans and panting filled the room and I pulled with all my strength to get the mighty grip off my wrist, making me stumble upon a bed costumed by others.

A women fumbled with her straps as she was bound to the bed, her blonde hair tied back along with pretty thick lashes that were half closed and fluttered at my presence. Her innocent eyes searched around the bed, making the bell on her neck move and ring at her movement. Her perky body looked so small against mine and I panic when I look against her naked body, her warmth flushed and belated around mine until I looked down at her thighs and see a displeased women glaring at me, her hands on the blonde girls thighs as she licks her lips, removing the essence of pleasure by the blonde girls liquid.

"How dare you disturb our session! Who is your master!? Tell me boy!" her black Hair matched with her leather clothing and black high heels, bright green eyes shined and glared at my body as if I was an insect that is needed to be crushed. I was sweating bullets at this point, bowing my head at this mighty high women, I held my tongue, noting that I should not speak rudely towards her in a way that I would love to.

"I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again-" I held my tongue when Caleb grasp my wrist again and lifted my body off the bed as if I was nothing.

"I'm ever so sorry for my pet's rudeness, I'm hoping that we shall not speak of this again.' Caleb began to move but paused when the mistress placed her sculptured hand on Caleb's chest, making him frown and glance down at her small figure.

"Make sure you punish him well for the disturbing my own pet, she will be punished as well." she grinned as I hear the blonde girl whimper behind is. Suddenly I felt sorry for the girl and as for's when I knew that Caleb had good intentions? On punishing me in the way I was thinking. I became tense when I see the light room from behind me start to be forgotten when I enter another room, Caleb stops then shuts the door and locks it behind eyes lowered to the ground to find hid shoes inches away from mine...making me feel more intimidated and shy. I should not feel this way towards another man;

The weak knees,

The beating fast heart that pushed against my chest.

The room was fairly bright, UN thankful for the blush that creeper my teenaged cheeks, him to see so easily.

"Why do you hide your face in shame? Have you not seen these rooms before?" I look up at this and find the room look rather spacious, the walls painted vaguely with a cream floor that looks delicate and soft to touch. There was a king size bed with satin sheets and mountains of pillows piled high and looking beautiful...I just wanted to jump on there and roll around with delight. I would love to have a room like this in my apartment, but I would not be able to afford it. My skin became hot and needy to be touched and I have never felt so feminine and small in my life.

"Answer me boy." my eyes snap to his, the blood drained out of my body when he took a step closer to me, I had to look up so I can meet his gaze, his skin was perfectly tanned and flawless, those bright grey eyes made me whimper earning me a grin from him.

"Your blushing again." he snickered lowly but that didn't stop him from reaching my cheek and skimming the back of his knuckles on my pale skin.

"Really? I wouldn't think you would notice." I whispered before taking a step back which made his anger and tense those large muscles of his.

"You dare move when I am touching you? Do have any idea what your getting yourself into?" suddenly his warm hand grips the back of my neck, sending sparks across my spine, this made me close my eyes with pleasure. Why was I letting him touch me like this? The hairs on the back of my neck had stood strait up, making me shiver and almost freeze if it wasn't for Caleb leading me to the bed.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked before feeling the edge of the bed hit my knees, they suddenly felt shaky and I wanted to sit down so badly.

"I'm going to give you something that you need." he growled before lightly pushing my back so I'm on my hands and knees, I squirm and fist the sheets when he suddenly spreads my legs with his own and gets in between them, my breathing became heavy and I wanted to know what he had planned for me. I could feel a bead of sweat roll down the nape of my neck then to my chest. Has the room suddenly got hotter in here? I arch my back when I feel his finger tips brush my spinal cord all the way to the tips of my neck to the dimples of my buttocks line. My legs were practically shaking at this point, his hot breath ran across my back when he inhaled and exhaled.

"An what is that?" I moaned along with his wet tongue touched my shoulder blade, it felt like ecstasy!

"Me." he said before biting rather hard on my neck, I hold back a scream when if felt the tug of his teeth latching onto my skin then he released It with a pop! Why was i letting a total stranger taste my with such passion with his tongue? But what is worse is its Justin's brother!? A man of many years older than me but I stop the moaning, I stop breathing and this made Caleb flip me over onto my back so he could look at me. I breath loudly before covering up my flaming face, I cannot believe I let him hear me like that!

"Don't get all shy on me now boy." he said before the held both of my wrists down by the sides of my head, making me look at him.

"I have a name!" I said before rising away from the bed that made me tingle, I longed to lay down and sleep. I could feel the night crowding my mind, if look around the room at this point to find any escape buy I remember him locking the door behind us earlier on.

"We need to speak Leo, it's important." Caleb's low, taunting voice said rather closely, no way was I being the small, shy person now.

"Who the hell do you this you are pulling me away from work, distract me by touching me and telling me that we need to talk." I said before seeing Caleb's stunned expression be hit pretty hard. I gasp and bite hard on my lip when his hand grips my throat, it jump started my throbbing shaft and a muffled moan, his fingers almost digging lightly on to my throat which seemed to be a turn on for me. His eyes darkening with lust and anger had me clawing at his hand for any kind of release that I need.

"I have my opinion to say what's happening here and your going to listen pet." his warm hand moved away from my dry throat to the base of my neck.

"I have basic rules about how I want things to go to plan. Number 1; always bow your head when I am present. Number 2; never disobey me unless your wanting a punishment and number 3; don't get attached." my hands were shaking at this posing and I needed to sit down for my confused state. Being flushed and stand in didn't feel right, so I sit at the very end of the vex, Caleb regrettably sits next to me before looking down at me, I could see his true built and let me tell you, I have never felt so attracted towards another person before.

"What are you saying?" I glared at him before covering my chest with my arms to felt a little less self conscious.

"What I'm saying is that I want you, as my submissive." he became close to my neck before kissing it.

"And I'm not taking no for an answer pet." I flutter my eyes by the sound of his voice lapping at my ear, his voice was the only thing I was concentrating on, at the moment.

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