What you were wearing when you met (Jack J)

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You and your mates where having a sleepover at your new apartment that you had just moved into and you had no snacks so you thought you all would go to the shop. Your friends went to go find the chocolate and you went to find the ice cream. As you were looking for your favourite ice cream and handsome tall blonde boy walked up to you and said "you should try the mint choc chip one its a lot better then chocolate" you looked at him and he said "oh sorry the names Jack" "y/n" you replied. You ended up talking for about 10 minutes, then your friends walked up to you and said that you needed to go, so you got both the mint choc chip ice cream and plain chocolate ice cream, you and Jack exchanged numbers and said by to each other. After you paid you saw Jack talking to his friends and he has the biggest smile on your face, you forgot you were looking at him until he turned around and waved at you, you waved back and got in your car and left, you and Jack ending up talking all night.

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